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A farmer from Zug is hacked. One of his cows dies as a result - can a cyber attack now affect all farmers?

Farmer Bircher refused to pay 10,000 francs to a gang. A cyber security expert says: "Agriculture is where the banks and insurance companies were fifteen years ago."

Farmer Vital Bircher from Hagendorn in the canton of Zug receives a text message from his milking robot. It was no longer receiving data from the computer. Thinking nothing of it, he goes into the barn and sees that the milking machine's display is black. Bircher contacts the manufacturer of the machine. An employee tells him: "You've been hacked."

This incident occurred nine months ago, as first reported by the "Luzerner Zeitung". At the time, Bircher refused to pay the ransom of 10,000 francs demanded by the hackers. As a result, he was denied access to his data. This included important information on when his mother cows were inseminated.

Because Bircher was unable to find out exactly when a cow was inseminated and complications arose, the calf died in the womb and the cow had to be euthanized. Bircher is convinced that he could have saved the mother cow's life without the hacker attack. How could farmer Bircher have prevented the hacker attack?

When asked by the NZZ, Bircher says that the hacked computer was technically up to date: The farmer had only bought the device a year ago, it had Windows 11 installed and also an antivirus program.

Marc K. Peter, Professor of Digital Transformation at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, says that the case of the farmer from Zug is not atypical. One in ten SMEs in Switzerland has already been compromised by cyber criminals, as he found out in a study that investigated cyber attacks last year.

Industries such as agriculture, which are still in the process of digital transformation, are particularly affected, says Peter. He sees a similar accumulation of cases in municipalities and the army. The international and highly professional hacker gangs are deliberately targeting organizations that are still undergoing digital transformation. "In terms of cyber security, agriculture is where banks and insurance companies were fifteen years ago."

Farmer Bircher explains that he does not regularly store his data externally. Peter recommends making regular encrypted back-ups on external hard drives. And preferably on a rotating basis: on different external data carriers, in different locations. Because there are also cases where access to cloud data is blocked. Case two years ago: Milking machine paralyzed

The "Bauernzeitung" reported on a case similar to Bircher's two years ago in April. Back then, ransomware paralyzed a farmer's entire milking system. He had to set up an emergency milking parlor. This cost him time and money.

The Zug farmer Bircher was lucky that certain parts of his milking systems were disconnected from the computer. He was able to continue milking his livestock despite the hacker attack. If not, the financial loss, which already amounted to 6,000 francs, would have been significantly higher. This is because Bircher would not have had a contingency plan at hand.

This is the case for many small and medium-sized companies in Switzerland, says expert Peter. Ninety percent of companies are technically well protected against cyber attacks. But only around a third are organizationally prepared in the event of a hacker attack.

This involves simple things, such as storing passwords on external devices. Because once the laptop has been hacked, the data can no longer be retrieved. This is why companies should definitely run through emergency scenarios.

SMEs are also not where they should be when it comes to cyber insurance, says Peter. Only ten percent have taken out such insurance. Insurance covers financial losses and also helps with coping. Insurance employees help victims to take the right steps after an attack.

For Bircher, a farmer from Zug, the cyberattack is over. He is looking to the future and says he now carries out back-ups more often.

So IoT killed his cow.

"The Zug farmer Bircher was lucky that certain parts of his milking systems were disconnected from the computer. He was able to continue milking his livestock despite the hacker attack."

Don't connect important machines to the internet... all these hacker stories comes down to the same fundamental mistake.

If not as a privacy and rent seeking nightmare. You are in reach of every hooligan in the world.

The interesting thing about this one is that he presumably didn't download any malware onto it. Such machines just run a single app that comes from the factory, and aren't use for general computing.

So - how did the malware get in?

>Such machines just run a single app that comes from the factory, and aren't use for general computing.

And those machines are always running a purpose built program made by the lowest bidder and have TRIVIAL flaws to exploit.

The malware got in the same way malware got into Windows 2000 back in the day: the code exposed to the network is trash and is full of holes you can drive a truck through.

Rent seeking again. How is this rent seeking?

From reading above, I assume they are referring to the software company hosting the data for the herd in the cloud which then has a reliance on networking, which then requires a recurring fee to access.

In reality a local version on a standalone system would probably be better as most farmers may not need anything more than a local system with a soft and hard copy backup for safetly.

The cloud data is probably being sold to hedge funds to make bets on yields/futures.

The SaaSification of something that should have been a product.

But that's nothing to do with rent seeking. Rent seeking is getting the government/a regulator to mandate the use of your service.

Maybe the phrase I rather should have used would be "profiteering"?

But according to Wikipedia, I think the "classic example" fits many SaaS vendors:

    The classic example of rent-seeking, according to Robert Shiller, is that of a property owner who installs a chain across a river that flows through their land and then hires a collector to charge passing boats a fee to lower the chain. There is nothing productive about the chain or the collector, nor do passing boats get anything in return. The owner has made no improvements to the river and is not adding value in any way, directly or indirectly, except for themselves. *All they are doing is finding a way to obtain money from something that used to be free*.

But how does that fit SAAS vendors? If someone cut my fibre wire and added a box that stopped it working if I didn't pay them, I would say that that is rent seeking. A SAAS vendor doesn't seem to fit that pattern.

Perpetual use of software used to be free after purchase. Nowadays SaaS is more or less the norm.

> Rent seeking is getting the government/a regulator to mandate the use of your service.

That sounds like your personal narrower definition. Where did you get that from?

The wider use is both historically and semantically accurate and I believe people familiar with the term will still recognize its intended meaning today.

Needlessly making a physical product unusable without the continued subscription to an associated service, and designing the product in such a way that only the manufacturer can/may provide that service (aka vendor-lock-in) is pretty much rent-seeking, yeah.


There are other forms of rent-seeking; I believe a term that more narrowly fits your definition is "regulatory capture".

Making a SAAS out of a product is one of those definitions?

Just leave it be.

"Rent seeking" is an "I hate everything" buzzphrase that people use without understanding, like "gaslighting" and "third spaces".

It is useless to try and correct the error.

> Bircher says that the hacked computer was technically up to date: The farmer had only bought the device a year ago, it had Windows 11 installed and also an antivirus program

People think this is sufficient. Microsoft has a giant marketing budget to ensure they never think differently.

Plenty of POSIX running IoT devices get routinely hacked every year.

Keep writing their software in a mix of Assembly, C and C++, with bad business practices and this will never change, regardless of Windows existence.

CowStrike: A division of CrowdStrike!

Using a *.berlin URL causes an invalid URL error. Do you have a fixed list of top level domains?

> Technically, the best way for the CTO would be to get the app rewritten from scratch on Flutter & get it over with.

During the last years I learned that rewriting an app is very risky and should only be done if absolutely necessary. Especially, if it's an old and big app full of technical debt. Has this changed?

You mean 'hangry'? A common human behavior.

Maybe ... I meant angry OR hungry though.

Maybe because the main users of HN are software developers and their work is used to train Copilot while probably a minority is creating images used to train MidJourney / StableDiffusion. A question of whether one's own work is used for this purpose or whether one is only a beneficiary.

I once heard the myth that UML was introduced so managers would be able to understand and describe how the software is built. In the end, they still didn't understood and software developers went back to use code itself to describe software to each others. Unfortunately, I could never find something confirming this story. Does anybody know more about this?

Was just interested in thoughts from other people about his blog. And yes, it's very German-focused but I wanted to give it a chance.

I'm surprised how real Rogan sounds and how Jobs does not. Why is that?

The issue is Job's training data is likely 99% his public "presentation voice" audio -- cadence, inflection, emphasis from public remarks at Apple events, commencement addresses, shareholder meetings, etc -- which OF COURSE sounds unnatural in regular conversation.

Meanwhile Rogan has million hours of regular conversation audio to learn from.

Not sure if you meant "million hours" as hyperbole; but that'd be about 114 years of non-stop conversation.

If there's ~2000 episodes of his podcast and he's talked in a bunch of other place too, it's probably less than 5000 hours.

one could hire a _really good_ steve jobs voice actor to generate more training data for the AI algorithm?

At that point using them to create the exact audio would be easier

Yeah but what VC is interested in funding /that/?

Humans are expensive though. If you have a lot of speech to record, it might be cheaper to use the human to train the AI and then let the AI finish the rest.

Then you could just hire the actor to read Jobs' part directly?

Hiring people to train their replacements seems off to me.

Then you'd need to hire the actor for every part. After enough training with the actor, you won't need to hire the actor anymore.

ethically questionable, but financially it makes some sense

There's also Respeecher, which lets you realistically "puppet" someone else's voice.

What non-presentation source material do Steve Jobs voice actors train with? Seems like that same source material can be used to train the AI voice.

Would the fact that Joe's data is more standardized and produced the same way. Job's data is likely a mix of different volumes, echo levels, processing have an effect

One million hours = 114.2 years

Probably significantly more training data for Rogan than Jobs and a much wider range thanks to his long running pod cast. I am not super familiar with Steve Jobs so I can't think of anything other than his keynotes and some interviews that you would be able to use for him.

Unrelated point...that laugh was incredibly bad and repetitive to the point it felt like they were playing laugh.wav file each time they wanted a laugh instead of generating a new laugh of variable pitch and length.

Exponentially more training data for Joe than Steve, and infinity more training data in a podcast episode setting.

Maybe there's more training data available for Rogan. The guy pumps out hundreds of hours of content a year in which he's recorded discussing every topic under the sun. I can't imagine there's a similar quantity of recordings of Jobs's voice - or of almost anyone's voice for that matter.

Edit: four other people replied in the time it took me to type two sentences. I guess the answer is that obvious.

Probably training set size. Joe Rogan talks for a living.

Presumably because we have hours, days, weeks of Joe Rogan speaking - not just on his podcast but as a sports announcer as well. Steve Jobs... we have a few speeches and presentations, but we don't have much data on how he spoke by comparison.

More data to train on?

lol, everyone calls it training data. Here I was thinking I was in the right practice.

This reminds me of Bosch. The majority of the company is owned by the Robert Bosch Stiftung [1] which gets the most of the profit (after reinvestments into the company) to fund educational projects in the sense of Robert Bosch. In my opinion it's a nice concept to use the profits for things that benefit us. There are still other people in charge of advisories but they don't profit from it.

Let us hope that more companies follow the path of Bosch and Patagonia.

1 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bosch_Stiftung

If you want to learn about another fascinating company, research Rolex.

With Stack Overflow I use the same approach. Unfortunately, DDG shows only one SO result while Google shows multiple. Then I wonder why I don't search directly on the SO site.

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