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i didn't know the simple.wikipedia.org subdomain, pretty neat!

recent google algo changes seem to penalize domains with a low domain rank even more. if you want to be found through search it makes sense to use an established platform.

imo remix (https://remix.run/) does a great job at that

biff is a beautifully designed little web framework, i was still doing clojure it'd be my go-to.

Very interesting thread, thanks for asking the question. Could any spouses of SWEs chime in?

Really cool!

Thanks for putting this together, love the name!


I blog mainly about web development.

  Location: Switzerland
  Remote: Yes (hybrid or on-site for a good fit)
  Willing to relocate: For a good fit
  Technologies: React, TypeScript, Remix, Next, Node, Django, Python, Tailwind, 
  SQLite, OCaml, Nix
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josef-erben-90a002b1/
  Email: josef@erben.systems
  Blog: https://www.joseferben.com/
  Github: https://github.com/joseferben
I am currently bootstrapping a product (https://www.performance90.com) but I am open for employment if it's a great fit. I have 8 years of experience as an engineer and 3 years as an entrepreneur. As an engineer I feel at home in the TypeScript and Django ecosystems.

I have my own LLC and I am also open to contract work.

Works for me, so far no data loss after about 150 migrations across 3 projects. These are the settings:

@receiver(connection_created) def configure_sqlite(sender, connection, *kwargs): if connection.vendor == "sqlite": cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;") cursor.execute("PRAGMA busy_timeout = 5000;") cursor.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;")

Initially, I was worried that Django might screw up migrations since it's a bit awkward to make certain schema changes in SQLite. Also almost no one seemed to use SQLite with Django in production, so I was a bit worried about how battle tested the SQLite part of the ORM was.

So far so good.

I wrote this about WAL mode with Django and SQLite last year: https://simonwillison.net/2022/Oct/23/datasette-gunicorn/

Your configuration looks right to me.

Thanks for the link.

> I asked Django Fellow Carlton Gibson what it would take to update that advice for 2022.

Glad to see that SQLite is being presented as a valid option in the current version of the docs.

> Even without WAL mode, bumping the SQLite “timeout” option up to 20s solved most of the errors.

Can you say anything about the tradeoffs when increasing the timeout, maybe in the context of Django?

I've not explored it in any more depth than I wrote about in that article and my issue comments.

My hunch is that if you bump it up to 20s while receiving a huge amount of concurrent traffic you may find yourself running out of available Python workers to serve requests.

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