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I had an adjacent idea a few weeks ago, but centered more around the idea that it may be difficult for new open-source contributors to find appropriate issues to work on. Suggesting and allowing to discover interesting issues across multiple repositories would allow the prospective user to get a nice view of what interesting issues are available to make a first / second / third contribution to a project, and possibly to also track contributions / pull requests etc.

Seems to have been layoffs at Mozilla today

This is such a great, simple, almost obvious idea. This type of ideas is getting more and more rare, so it is great to see one popping here and there.

Granted, this article is 15 years old but it is interesting to find that the landscape seems not to have changed much. I was wondering how much domain logic a modern application should put at the database layer.

This is an interesting article. Native Apps deployment constraints seem so different than a typical web continuous deployment process.

As an aside, here's a look at Etsy's Continuous deployment process: https://www.slideshare.net/mrtazz/development-deployment-and...

Accounting breakdown for the 2017 election is not yet available, apparently. This page list accounting breakdown for the 2012 and 2007 presidential elections: http://www.cnccfp.fr/index.php?art=720

I also would be curious to know the production and operating costs for a website of this kind.

Video of the presentation on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giUatBmmb_Y

This is fun. Here's mine:

- Brad fitzpatrick -- http://bradfitz.com/

- Julia Evans -- https://jvns.ca

- Raymond Hettinger -- https://rhettinger.wordpress.com/

- Rich Hickey -- https://changelog.com/posts/rich-hickeys-greatest-hits

- Peter Bourgon -- https://peter.bourgon.org/

- Rebecca Murphey -- https://rmurphey.com/

- Daniel Greenfield -- https://www.twoscoopspress.com/

The interesting thing is that Apple just released the ability to remap Caps-Lock to Esc. natively in macOS 10.12.1, which doesn't seem to be incidental.


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