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I mock languages because they've caused me enormous pain at some point, not "offhandedly". Their scorn is deserved.

I don't know if this helps or hurts but I took up Elixir a few years ago and was liking it, the way the FP simplifies the scope you have to operate within and the general stability of the API that Jose has stated, i.e. it's feature complete for the foreseeable future, changes now are mostly optimizations such as pushing more into the erlang layer.

Then they introduced releases which can package everything into a tar file that has all the CSS, JS, HTML, erlang VM, etc. in it and runs as a binary via systemd and proxied through your .

Then they introduced LiveView and it was the first time I really had a "wow" moment since first learning Rails many many years ago. I can do nearly everything I want in real-time with it + JS hooks.

I really do think this addresses a lot of the frustration I keep experiencing w/r/t complexity in web development. I can just write Elixir code and get about 90% of the features of a JS framework like React.

The only real knock on it is it's strongly typed not static typed (they're working on a solution) but with code analysis tools like dialyzer and credo a lot of that worry is addressed. It's not for everyone but FWIW it has been a breath of fresh air to me a 10+ year web developer.

I've looked at Elixir a bit, but I came away with the expression that it would be a bit like doing Django before 1.7 where I had to do schema migrations manually. This is a huge deal to me.

I didn't see any forms libraries either, so the forms situation seems even more primitive. I'm the author of iommi so I now have very high level abstractions for forms/tables/menus/etc, and a transparent way to compose these. I would hate to start over from scratch...

Am I just missing some libraries?

Fwiw I was afraid of manual migrations too, coming from Django, but its not that terrible once you get used to it. There should be a few form libs out there but I havent needed one so far. Chris McCord said at ElixirConf that there are plans of reworking the forms api to make it work better with LiveView.

I'm not afraid of it. It just seems silly and tedious.

I also felt that way coming from Django, but I got used to it and embraced it

It’s a lot like Rails in that regard, where you have to model the data yourself. But it’s a part of the job — and it teaches you take advantage of the DB in ways that Django can’t.

Elixir is a great idea, but it's already dead. I know of several companies here in Europe that already ditched it and went back to other older technologies or moved to Go, etc. because the Elixir ecosystem is so small. Also they had tons of trouble hiring for it.

he just came up with a whataboutism that fits his narrative. commuting/recreation it doesn't matter. The bike inconveniences the motorists for a short time where as the car can end the cyclists life.

once per employer

Depending on where you live, e.g. proximity to the equator, you will probably never recoup the initial investment or if you do the panels will probably be at their end of life when you do. So you'll never really "make money". But you will insulate yourself from demand spikes and give you an emergency backup.

Most panels have 25-30 year warranty. And even then, they'd still operate at around 80% of rated performance.

There is a truth here. A lot of companies build their first system in php. IME no one hires developers to build their second system or third in php, except maybe Facebook.

developers are lazy

I would argue Excel is the ultimate example of sunk cost fallacy but w/e if people like it, you do you.

All this talk about "I need Office to be Office" and no one mentions o365 online? Which works just fine on Linux. Also label printing seems a common issue but no mention of support of old old old legacy hardware that still works perfectly fine. For instance, my scanner which still works perfectly fine but won't work on Windows or Mac anymore works just fine on Linux because of the legacy driver support.

Not a business owner. Programmer who was a sysadmin in a former life and is familiar with all three O/S and a few others, e.g. embedded firware, etc.

In every organization, there is usually one app that ties a particular user to a non Linux OS, e.g. usually it's Adobe products, sometimes active directory, sometimes it's because "we have Access and it does everything we need it to and no we don't know what it does anymore", we need X software for X platform because skillsets and training.

A lot of lawyers would still (and some still are) be on WordPerfect if they could be, some accountants are probably still on FoxPro somewhere out there, but IME most users just need a Chromebook and a subscription to o365. Maybe ChromeOS Flex is an option for them?

If they have custom needs then they IME don't need much more than a CSV file and a simple ruby script that can import their label addresses from a CSV and spit them out to the printer a la ruby's Prawn.

The argument for training loses weight when each version of Windows and macOS changes fairly drastically you have to relearn with each major upgrade. Usually forcing hardware upgrades too well before the machine has stopped being viable. Whereas learning Linux once and that being all you have to know forever and can blast onto any machine, copy your files over, run your setup flat files or whatever you use to bootstrap your setup and IMO the training argument should push more to Linux but it never will for one simple reason. Support. If the manager can't offload a user needing help to support then all bets are off.

It is possible to move fast and NOT break things.

Breaking things is bad. Despite what Mark says. When you break things companies lose customers, they lose money, they lose market share, and people get fired or die.

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