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I've looked at Elixir a bit, but I came away with the expression that it would be a bit like doing Django before 1.7 where I had to do schema migrations manually. This is a huge deal to me.

I didn't see any forms libraries either, so the forms situation seems even more primitive. I'm the author of iommi so I now have very high level abstractions for forms/tables/menus/etc, and a transparent way to compose these. I would hate to start over from scratch...

Am I just missing some libraries?

Fwiw I was afraid of manual migrations too, coming from Django, but its not that terrible once you get used to it. There should be a few form libs out there but I havent needed one so far. Chris McCord said at ElixirConf that there are plans of reworking the forms api to make it work better with LiveView.

I'm not afraid of it. It just seems silly and tedious.

I also felt that way coming from Django, but I got used to it and embraced it

It’s a lot like Rails in that regard, where you have to model the data yourself. But it’s a part of the job — and it teaches you take advantage of the DB in ways that Django can’t.

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