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I'd like to echo everyone else in saying this is a great job ad.

Agreed. I don't feel like I'm good enough to apply, but this job ad really made me want to (and I might, at some point)!

EDIT: plus, I'd have to move to the US first, I guess :-/?

Random unsolicited internet advice: never decide not to apply because you don't feel good enough. We all experience imposter syndrome, and most job postings are just wishlists of unrealistic qualifications copy-pasted by HR anyway (this posting excepted!).

In general, don't disqualify yourself. That's the hiring manager's job. Your job is to qualify yourself: present your best self, and demonstrate professional confidence and competence.

Yeah, good point. if anything, my experience looking at this from the inside is that the bar that is set is much lower than it seems from the job postings.

The mathematical analogy is fragile, but the takeaway is obvious:

Customer has problem X and they suggest Y as the solution. Good product people will solve for Z, what the customer _needs_, while bad product people will provide Y, which is harmful to both the people using the product and the people building the product.

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