Genuinely: why? All that is related to the business email is already accessible, it's just been forwarded elsewhere. The info is already known. What's to discover?
It indicates that you used your this other email for work purposes. The point is that they don't know what's in there, and they want to see if you discussed stuff relevant to the case. The judge will deny such a request as a fishing expedition if there is no basis for believing that you used your personal email for work purposes. But if it is discovered that you started sending work emails to that address...
Payments are a representation of trust. That is the opposite of crypto and blockchains. People want fast, cheap or free instant payments and if there is an exception, they want their government or legal framework to be able to step in for them, hence why no crypto payment system will ever grow beyond illegal/illicit transactions attempting to avoid the legal payment systems, or speculation (bitcoin, eth, etc). FedNow, for example, will allow you to move up to $100k-$500k (depending on your institutional limits) within 20 seconds (max SLA) for ~5 cents (whether the bank charges you for this is up to your bank). If there is an exception, your bank or the government will step in with Regulation E. Your monies in a demand deposit account are insured up to at least $250k USD (depending on titling). Hard to beat without getting into ideology territory. Crypto likely has a use case where you cannot trust your government and need to stash value somewhere that isn't a reserve currency, but those are edge cases, not the norm. There are even some startups in that space offering more secure deposit accounts to folks in places who need access to secure fiat storage, which is really a regulation/AML/KYC/customer identity play [1].
Probably Airbus single most important supplier is CFM who is making most of their engines. CFM is a JV of Safran and General electric. How do you insource that?
No company is obligated to do anything. Such lack of obligation is not sufficient reason to praise companies that do the bare minimum to keep user data safe. Sure they aren't obligated but how on earth does that matter?
If E2EE is “the bare minimum”, how are there so many successful and thriving companies who don’t do it? And why are you even on HN, which doesn’t do it?
This is a cool resource, Ableton being quite respected and all, but I'm interested in making synths with analog electronics if you have any suggestions in that area. Look Mum No Computer and Music From Outerspace are both fantastic for that, but I'm always open to what other folks are doing in the analog space.
As much as I would love to have a huge modular rack in my house, I am happy with a blend of physical and digital stuff. My first purchase was an Arturia Microbrute, which is just excellent for learning basic, monophonic synthesis. It's a knob-per-function device so there's nothing better than just twisting knobs and stumbling onto an amazing sound.
I send that through a cheap echo-delay pedal, then a reverb pedal, so I have a lot of control over the dynamics of whatever sound I'm making. I tend to use the Brute for basslines but it's super versatile.
From there, it depends on what I'm trying to make or play with, but I've had a great time using the Brute as both sound and MIDI input to get some nice layered input. VSTs are totally preferential of course, but I have the Arturia Jupiter 8 VST for when I want to get REALLY deep into analog synths without spending $25k on a working physical model.
Otherwise, I also have an Arturia Beatstep Pro (I'm an Arturia fanboi for sure, but their stuff is affordable and fun) which I can control the Brute with via CV in case I want to have it play a loop while I twist some knobs. I also have a profile set up in Ableton that allows me to use all the Beatstep Pro knobs to control various knobs/sliders on the Jupiter 8 VST, which has opened me up for a lot of possibilities. Beyond that, the Brute has a "mod panel" which allows for some fun stuff like jumping the LFO to the sub bass knob - the Brute is monophonic but has an overtone generator you can tune anywhere from -8 to +5.
It sounds like modular or custom synthesis are what you are looking for, but for my level of skill/time/hobby it's nice to have a setup that can fit entirely on an old Yamaha keyboard :)
I knew this was gonna get downvoted and I always do the same for these kind of posts. In this one however, I think the poster put words on a sensation shared by most of us who read the brilliant parent