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It's always been like that.

The costs involved with maintaining garbage are infinitely more than maintaining something well built.

This is why software is so lucrative.. because the true cost of the software isn't how much you pay for it .. it's "how much is it going to cost you to change to something else?"

A great argument against relying on any software you can't control if ever I heard one

the costs of maintaining something well built that no-one uses are very low indeed.

unfortunately trash is cheaper and faster, and it takes a certain kind of genius insanity to sell something well built that doesn't exist yet.

I think the issue is more that nobody asked for it.

These tools are useful, and on a Mac if you want Rewind, you have to know you want it, go out download it, pay for it, install it yourself .. and you knew what you were getting into the whole time.

Having a tool like this planted in your device without your consent is pushing your userbase over the edge.

If they made it a separate feature you had to manually install, like Windows Sandbox or WSL .. they could have avoided shooting themselves in the foot.

I think you hit the nail on the head. The feature itself can be benign and useful if Microsoft valued being respectful of user agency. Using Windows feels increasingly like a battle against against someone who can't accept "no" and tries to sneak around your intentions.

Along with Adobe recently it consensual business relationships are no longer common.

Up until the recent AI boom Tesla was the #1 AI company in the world, now they are falling behind other tech leaders.

Elon is now stealing Tesla's AI lead and squandering it on his pissing match with OpenAI because he feels jealous of what they were able to accomplish, despite his attempted takeover.

Now he is even taking AI hardware earmarked for Tesla and using it instead to push his other interests


Tesla's AI is about vision learning and they were way ahead in that field, and now he's deciding to focus instead on "anti-woke" chatbots.

This does not benefit Tesla in any way shape or form.

On what basis was Tesla ever the #1 AI company in the world?

That's what they marketed themselves as anyway, and why they were valued higher than all other car companies combined (because they're not just about cars).

Which is out of touch from reality if you ask me but that's the collective reasoning at least.


Which is generally the main thing in AI-land, really.

These absolute statements are always interesting.

Not disputing he is likely to push for anti-woke AI. He went bigtime anti-woke with Twitter and laid off a ton of staff particularly in DEI areas and a lot of the brand marketing on twitter left as a result.

Long term the outcome is a bit less clear - twitters demise was widely expected and it still seems to operate despite the layoffs though I'm not sure if users are still using it anymore or all went to bluesky etc.

At Tesla - if anti-woke drives a ton of engineers to leave that will certainly be a problem.

In terms of getting allocations of things like NVidia hardware, is it possible that some of these allocations come because of Elon being in the mix in the first place?

I think the fact that there are related party activities between his companies (including Elon himself) are pretty well known. I thought the solarcity deal was a TERRIBLE deal for Tesla, but Tesla energy has been doing pretty well generally - so again, waters a bit muddied, and executives are able to make bad decisions along with good ones.

FYI - you can't be sure which side of the A/B test you are on.

I had interpreted the news as affecting all users of the other tools. Now found https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues/11139 with very few comments so I don't get the impression it's affecting many NewPipe users at present.

I was going to dismiss your comment thinking that it wouldn't be possible to capture the amount of carbon we are emitting with trees alone .. but after running the numbers, trees seem like a pretty decent solution.

I'm picturing a large solar farm powering pumping stations to irrigate a large desert like the Sahara, central Australia, Saudi Arabia, the Gobi, or the American Southwest. Maybe all of them.

If we do nothing, Antarctica has 5.5 million square miles of land which might be available for plant growth soon.

The fees are going up, but this article is mostly clickbait.. which is why they likely don't link to anything but their own website.

Pretty much all touring artists will use a P3 visa, or get a waiver.

A P3 visa is going to cost the sponsor $460. The person filling out the application will have to pay $190 (and then another $80 for biometrics if it's their first time)

If you type things like 'lols' and are over 20, people will know you are mentally-regressed.

Does it really matter if they know it's drugs or not?

Or perhaps, they have a sense of humour. Sorry, not sure how to teach you to have one though. I think humour is a type of intelligence that requires recognizing the hidden meaning...like 'lols' implies for textual representation of laughter...since it doesn't translate.

or perhaps you realised that /s

I was just giving them a hard time for unprompted bragging about being perpetually inebriated on a technology forum.

No need to try and think too deeply about it.

The attackers would have to know the distributions used by the company they are targeting, that connections are open to the internet, that the company won't change their setup over the course of several years.

Everything you are saying is so far out of the realm of possibility that it makes me wonder if you follow this stuff at all.

If you had 2+ years of spare time, and these type of skills, the attacker would be far better off just trying to get a job inside the organization they are targeting.

> If you had 2+ years of spare time, and these type of skills, the attacker would be far better off just trying to get a job inside the organization they are targeting.

Who says they don't? :-)

Occam's razor says that the perpetrators likely didn't spend years building up trust to hack some early adopters before the releases got more stable.

It would be like spending hours baking bread only to eat it before it goes in the oven.

Always .. however the holiday schedule thing does stand out as something that could have been missed by the orchestrators.

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