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These absolute statements are always interesting.

Not disputing he is likely to push for anti-woke AI. He went bigtime anti-woke with Twitter and laid off a ton of staff particularly in DEI areas and a lot of the brand marketing on twitter left as a result.

Long term the outcome is a bit less clear - twitters demise was widely expected and it still seems to operate despite the layoffs though I'm not sure if users are still using it anymore or all went to bluesky etc.

At Tesla - if anti-woke drives a ton of engineers to leave that will certainly be a problem.

In terms of getting allocations of things like NVidia hardware, is it possible that some of these allocations come because of Elon being in the mix in the first place?

I think the fact that there are related party activities between his companies (including Elon himself) are pretty well known. I thought the solarcity deal was a TERRIBLE deal for Tesla, but Tesla energy has been doing pretty well generally - so again, waters a bit muddied, and executives are able to make bad decisions along with good ones.

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