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I have seen your security engineer job ad consistently up since I was looking for my last job in 2021. Loking through my linkedin 'top job picks for you' I see this job role first come up June 15th, 2020.

How can you not have found a someone since then, or does everyone quit? I had seen this ad so often I was starting to suspect it was part of a information gathering scheme for information security professionals.

We really are looking for a security engineer with a strong Ruby development background. As our engineering team grows the security team needs to grow in proportion too.

We aren't just harvesting resumes. That idea is a kind of laughable - carefully reviewing resumes is a huge amount of work. I would love to get fewer resumes, but just ones that for candidates with a great match. I can also tell you, without offering any proof, that our hiring is not driven by attrition.

This is interesting, but from my experience ChatGPT is terrible at security focused code review.

How does this work? Are you sending each request or webpage to the LLM and asking to find security issues?

You are right, this is what I did in my first version, but it failed terribly due to context length issues and the fact that SPA applications work by loading JS code, etc.

Currently, for the backend, tools like Nmap, Dirsearch, ZAP, etc., are employed. When a user asks specific queries like 'Check all open ports in my web app,' 'Check security headers of my app,' or simply 'Find all vulnerabilities in my web app,' it writes commands for the above tools, executes them, and provides the answer. This mix-and-match of tools using simple words allows users to create custom workflows that may run weekly, monthly, or fortnightly.

Fuzzing is a massive field now. I don't know what you are doing specifically but this is a collection of good related papers: https://github.com/wcventure/FuzzingPaper.

I would find what is most like your problem domain and dig in :).

I've been doing the simplest possible things to URL parameters and POST bodies but even that's been effective! Thanks for the link!

Yet places like Arizona are famous for their lush green lawns and golf courses.

Golf courses, yes. Lawns? I grew up in Tucson and rock lawns are standard. I'm sure I've probably seen grass lawns in Southern AZ that weren't turf, but I'm having a hard time remembering one.

Looking at satellite imagery for a few minutes, I couldn't find a single lawn in Tuscon, but in Phoenix they are all over the city. I believe Phoenix has a lot more local water though. Native American civilizations had over 100 miles of canals and irrigated agriculture along the Gila, which is why American farmers settled there in the first place, reusing some of these canals even.

Phoenix's farmlands and orchards have been taken over real estate development. Real estate development and speculation has been the main driver of economic growth in Phoenix since the 60s, and accelerated with the widespread use of A/C.

I don't think people in Phoenix have lawns because there is more local water.

As far as Tuscon, Brad Landcaster's neighborhood has a tree canopy, and it's all watered by rainfall, and street storm water runoff harvested in eddie basins.

Well if its not due to water supply then what lead most all development in tuscon to have rock lawns or desert scrub, while all over phoenix in neighborhoods rich and poor there are grass lawns? I assume this has to do with how local water is priced or how local ordinances are applied with respect to the available water supply, although maybe I am wrong in that assumption and that water has really nothing to do with it.

Strictly speaking, Phoenix does have access to more water.

Tuscon is on top of a mesa, and its biome is the upper Sonoran. It's not quite high desert. The aquifer in the mesa has long been drained and Tuscon has to pump water from the central canal uphill to the mesa.

But it isn't as if the Phoenix is really flushed with water. An accident of legacy water rights from Colorado via the canal makes water available, but that doesn't mean that water supply is local nor sustainable.

Further, those existing water rights are being challenged by Native interest -- water rights are recognized by the age of the claim as senior water rights. Arguably, native tribes have the most senior rights, but even those claims that have been acknowledged by the legal system has not been historically enforced.

Tuscon is also where the Arizona laws allowing greywater was pioneered, as well as curb cuts. It seems to me there is more interest in this kind of stuff in Tuscon than there are in Phoenix.

Here are Tuscon development that are neither lawns nor xeriscaping:

Brad Landcaster's neighborhood - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcAMXm9zITg

University of Arizona - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtabtkWMxBc

> But it isn't as if the Phoenix is really flushed with water. An accident of legacy water rights from Colorado via the canal makes water available, but that doesn't mean that water supply is local nor sustainable.

Odd to be well so informed overall but somehow not aware of the SRP?! I think Phoenix is flush with water because of the CAP and SRP combo. It sits on the confluence of the Salt and Gila rivers while CAP water comes down canals from the CO plateau.

Yeah, that tracks. They do have more local water, but also fairly affluent areas that can afford to maintain a green lawn in 120F summers. Totally stupid.

> I'm sure I've probably seen grass lawns in Southern AZ that weren't turf

FYI, "turf" doesn't mean fake grass.

Not sure what you mean by those links, but they seem to pretty clearly indicate that "turf" does not imply "artificial"; the meaning of the term always includes real grass, so using "grass" and "turf" as if they're mutually exclusive alternatives makes no sense.

I mean to imply that you’re straight incorrect on top of being pedantic. The dictionary link provides definition 1b for turf as “an artificial substitute for this (as on a playing field)”.

Not only have you added nothing of value to the topic at large, you provided incorrect information. The intent was obvious enough that you felt confident “correcting” me. Thanks for playing.

I don't think you're parsing the dictionary correctly. Using "turf" to refer exclusively to artificial turf is not supported by the dictionary you cite, and is unnecessarily confusing and distracting. In the future, just be explicit and use the term "artificial turf".

Lawns are illegal in most of Arizona actually. Golf course make money and prioritize that over the environmental impact.

Also, most of those golf courses are taking advantage of 150+ year old water rights laws that no longer make sense in our current environment.

That is either patently untrue or there are a whole lot of loopholes. I used to live in Phoenix more than 20 years ago and had a lawn that matched anything you'd find in Chicago. I still have about a dozen friends living in the Phoenix metro and all of them have at least a patch of lawn, not to mention the grass areas maintained by the HOA.

I live in Phoenix now, and there are plenty of lawns.

That is false. As a life long texan the grid gets dicey with rolling blackouts every summer and the occasional shutdown every winter.

In fact hundreds of thousands of Houstonians lost power for extended periods just last month.

> That is false. As a life long texan the grid gets dicey with rolling blackouts every summer and the occasional shutdown every winter.

What? I'm also a lifelong Texan and have experienced rolling blackouts once: during 2021.

> In fact hundreds of thousands of Houstonians lost power for extended periods just last month.

You mean after a massive storm with 100 mph winds destroyed infrastructure and flooded the city?


I don't know either of you and I'm not trying to assert either of you is correct or incorrect but it's worth remembering how insanely large your state is. It'd take 11hrs to drive from Houston to El Paso and Texas contains most of the different climates we're all familiar with.

To some degree, saying "As a life long Texan" then trying to generalize the "Texas Experience" to be your own is as incorrect as saying "As an American, there are mountains everywhere and it's green and beautiful".

Oracle, like many others, moved in name only. In fact Oracle just changed the headquarters to Nashville.

Oracle didn’t move its entire workforce, but it’s inaccurate to say it was “in name only”. Oracle spent hundreds of millions of dollars building a massive office campus near downtown Austin that reportedly has space for 10,000 employees.

I’m curious what other companies you’re thinking of when you say “like many others”, because all of the ones I can think of have moved significant parts of their operations to Texas.

Before becoming a techie I did construction work and nearly every person drank beer after (and often during) work. It was a way to alleviate the pain from hard manual labor.

The 'TikTok servers' are actually Oracle servers hosted in the USA.

I thought that deal fell through?

They did go through and are currently on-going. I though I read that Oracle has full source code access.

I purchased a Pixel 7a for work related testing a few weeks ago. It's a nice phone and rooting was very easy. I was impressed overall.

But those damn ads they deliver as notifications! WTF. Why would they do that.

It just reaffirmed my allegiance to Apple.

What ads? I've had a pixel 7a for month, stock OS, and I'm not sure what you mean. I certainly don't get any ads via notification except for from 3rd party apps.

It's possible you have some Google app running and that's what's doing it? I would look into which apps the notifications are coming from, you should be able to completely eliminate the problem.

I keep my notifications for almost all of my apps turned off. This includes "important" apps like Google Maps and Google Drive.

I only keep notifications ON for apps that I really really care about, which are mostly communication apps like WhatsApp, Signal etc.

I don't miss a thing. I feel mobile notifications are a cesspit full of crap. Every fucking website or app or game wants to send you notifications, and they're almost always 100% useless.

I use a Samsung phone and I in fact put all the muted apps in "deep sleep" as well.

I wish Apple's ads were delivered as notifications. Then I could disable them. But Apple allows me to disable notifications for everyone but themselves.

I get emails, popups, and banners on my iPhone. They're on my lock screen, in the Music app nav bar, and draped across the top of Settings. They repeatedly nag me to upgrade my iCloud storage, try Apple Music, see what's new in Apple TV, and check out their financial services. They hassle me on macOS too.

Windows 10 is tame in comparison. I just got a Pixel phone and it pesters me more than my iPhone did, but not by much.

The worst are the apps that will constantly bother you with an in-app popup to enable notifications, e.g. Goat. They make it come up randomly so you'll accidentally click on it.

Or apps that you pay for (Spotify Premium, Tidal) that will constantly bombard you with marketing in-app popups at random times. So instead of listening and enjoying my music, I can accidentally click on one of these landmines and get redirected to something I do not want.

I cancelled Spotify because of this. Will also cancel Tidal after my trial because they just copying the same ugly tactics as Spotify.

To me the worst part of the 7a is the touchscreen, very often when I type a message some letters get typed many times and this is a known problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/13wwqye/pixel_...

So I hope at least they solved this issue for the 8a

I don't know what the hell you managed to install on your phone but there certainly aren't any ads outside of free ad supported apps on any pixel phone.

Use next DNS.

> But those damn ads they deliver as notifications! WTF. Why would they do that.

Hmm I feel like you missed something. Notifications should not be an issue.

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