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I am currently using brave on android because it is the last latest stable browser that provides stacked Tab layout like this.


Latest chrome and it's derivatives(except brave) have removed this in favour of grid layout which i dislike(they also brought in tab groups which i despise entirely)

I know that brave has shady stuff like blockchain and ads, but they can be turned off. On desktop, i use firefox and i want to use firefox on android too but i find android firefox(fenix) janky.

Please suggest me good browser and also a suggestion to chrome developers:

Please don't remove things that we like. atleast provide option to enable it

I wish the Indian Government bans Whatsapp altogether ( I fully support Indian Government to do this).

My main grudge against Whatsapp comes from the fact that my college forces us to use it since the official group of my class is in whatsapp. I don't want to run that proprietary spyware on my phone. I feel it to be like neo-colonialism. Notes,etc. are sent there. It would be better if they switched to something better like telegram.

Another thing is that it spreads fakenews and propaganda and many people believe them.

I believe that banning Whatsapp in India gives more privacy to Indians.

P.S: I am Indian

"I don't like it. Therefore, it should be banned."

Perfect summary of the Indian mindset.

This, alongside with "I like it. Therefore, the government should give it for free" can help explain half of what goes on in Indian politics.

Nope, You generalize large country based on my comment. it's mistake.

First thing, I am advocate of Open Source but I don't mind Anything that is doing something ethically.

Whatsapp, I believe is biggest hypocrisy. It advocates, argues for privacy and against spying while it being itself a spyware.

I don't mind whatsapp existing, i wouldn't simply use it,right? No, like i have mentioned in comment above, my college forces us to use whatsapp. Atleast it has API? no. or some standardized protocol? No.

Since it's spyware and it is pushed down my throat, i wish it not to exist. Since, whatsapp has gone against government itself, and we know that government doesn't like itself to be criticized, well it may ban Whatsapp itself, because then, my college will more likely to move to Telegram and it has atleast open source client.

Well, your criticism comes out of air without valid claims. i never told that the government should give it free to me because i like it.

moreover, my dislike of whatsapp has valid reasons.

Same thing here. We had a perfectly working Moodle site, with a scheduled calendar and such. Ended up switching to facebook because "everybody uses facebook".

You support privacy yet want to see and to end encryption removed (if the article is correct) and propose moving to a platform that in this sense is less secure from eavesdropping? OK.

Besides banning WhatsApp won't help with fake news - which ever dominant platform comes to replace it will suffer the same fate. It just so happens that everyone is on WhatsApp atm, so that's where everything happens. Including fake news.

I don't want end to end encryption to be banned and tbh, I don't trust Whatsapp's end to end encryption.

There are better alternatives to whatsapp which are open source, you know.

and no, the government is not going to block end to end encryption.

Ok, maybe not remove it completely, but start tampering with it. And i quote the article:

   Because messages are end-to-end encrypted, to comply with the law WhatsApp says it would have break encryption for receivers, as well as “originators”, of messages.
Also Telegram is not encrypted by default, so it's not a better alternative in that sense.

You may dislike facebooks business practices, but they are in the right on this one.

>> vuex is very complicated

there is vuex alternative called pinia[0] which is much simpler than vuex

[0]: https://pinia.esm.dev/

It seems much easier even to me. Pinia can also be used with Svelte, as well as Vuex and Redux. Read the following to learn more: https://svelte.dev/docs#svelte_store

As a person who is just starting to learn Kotlin for Android Development, Can you please tell me which language is better to pursue for android development?

I also recently read this https://billthefarmer.github.io/blog/android-kotlin/

adding to dilemma of choice.

As someone who's been in that field for the last, uhhh, 8 or 9 years, I'd say feel free to go with Kotlin. You will understand java the moment you see it later on, meanwhile Kotlin is easier to write, understand and think it. It will get you where you want to be faster than Java. All modern examples will be written mostly in Kotlin, so you won't have trouble adjusting. But in the end, just pick one and go with it, being paralysed by analysis won't help you at all, and after you're fluent in one the other will be familiar too.

I have nothing to say about the rest of the article, but here's one bit that doesn't make the point the author hopes for.

> The obvious difference with the app is that the Java version size is 74Kb, the Kotlin version is 781Kb. Rather a lot of bloat for a small simple app.

No, it really isn't. Anything less than one MB is negligible. Importantly, since we have exactly one sample for each we don't know if that's fixed overhead or variable. Does a 5MB Java app become a 5.7MB Kotlin app? Then the overhead is fully fixed and it doesn't matter. Does a 5Mb Java app become a 50MB Kotlin app? That's a problem. The truth is probably somewhere in between.

We don't know because the author made the unfounded statement about bloat with just one data point.

I would like to say Java, but given the way Google stagnates Android Java on purpose, and pushes Kotlin no matter what, Kotlin is the way to go for serious app development.

Then if you want to do anything related to 3D, realtime audio or machine learning, you also need either C or C++, as those APIs are NDK only (OpenGL is actually also available to Java, but Vulkan is the official 3D API since Android 10).

Now if you want to target Android only as hobby, use whatever you feel like.


- Themable

- Simple

- Doesn't make HTML too verbose

- Isn't Dead

- Easy

- Modern(legacy support must not be obstacle towards adopting modern features)

tailwind components for $150?


Rust is nice language btw.

But,when will stable version of Rust be released? By stable,i mean, number of new features added must not be too much. Rust currently seem to be adding too many features every release (which is nice but also not so good at same time)

> By stable,i mean, number of new features added must not be too much

What is "too much"? How many would you prefer? How does this release have too many features? This release has three, and they're all pretty small. Some could even argue that they may not even count as new features, but remove restrictions between combinations of existing features.

By that measure, both Java and JavaScript are highly unstable programming languages.

Don't forget C, after all `C2x` is coming...

By this logic, languages are never "stable" until after they die

It sounds like your definition of stable applies to a very limited set of programming languages. The only thing I can think of that would fit that definition is C.

Have you seen how many new features have been added to C++20? (which is probably the closest language to Rust) Not to mention any of the dynamically typed languages.

Elixir is stable in that sense as well. Which IMO is very nice as I don't feel I have to relearn the language if I leave for 2 years, and I have to rewrite a 2 years old project to make use of any new idiom and syntax sugar.

> but also not so good at same time

why ? do they charge you by the feature ?

in terms of cognitive load, yes

i have yet to understand that feeling

We don't code in a vacuum.

Reading third party code is part of the job so language features reach us regardless.


In India, Privacy has lost much meaning.

1. Government mandates everyone to have Aadhaar card . In Aadhar card application form, there is option towards "sharing of data with third party" . Most People do tick that option. If they don't tick,there are chances that officers(mostly in bank where they take photo and biometric details of applicant) themselves tick that and apply for aadhar card.

2) Many colleges sell Students' Info, Phone number, Address for money. We get direct calls from coaching centre who didn't at all had our phone number.

3) When you buy something (say Domain name in Indian company),there are chances that they sell your information across many corporate interests without your consent.

> 3) When you buy something (say Domain name in Indian company),there are chances that they sell your information across many corporate interests without your consent.

Here's a fun experiment. Create a temporary email or an email alias & register it on naukri.com & watch your inbox get flooded with non-job related emails.

And here's another one, go to a local store for porting your sim, and receive a ton of calls for loan & credit cards (which unfortunately is quite common).

Data is sold in India by almost every entity.

One of the most infuriating thing for me was having my biometric information taken and shared at all the the competitive examinations' test centres. To get into college, I had given 5-7 online competitive exams (JEE/BITSAT/UCEED/etc.), and at each centre I had to mandatorily have my fingerprint scanned. Their reason was probably to prevent cheating, but I won't be surprised if my fingerprint/name/phone number/address is out their being sold.

Look at https://h2o.examp1e.net/

H2O web server seems to be faster than nginx , litespeed and supports http1/http2/http3 . It's config file is yaml file.

For HTTPS, i recommend https://acme.sh . It's very very easy and autorenews certificates using cron job.

When you're tunneling VPS to a home connection and rpi, the performance of the rev-proxy is not going to be a concern. Anything including a trivial script implementation of the proxy will be able to saturate this setup.

Lots of mention of server push. Does anybody actually use it in production?

Final Thoughts (copied from site) :

(+) Display and battery replacements remain a priority in the new iPhones' design.

(+) Most other important components are modular and easy to access or replace.

(-) Liberal use of screws is preferable to glue—but you'll have to keep them all organized, and bring out your special drivers (pentalobe, tri-point, and standoff) in addition to the standard Phillips.

(-) Increased waterproofing measures complicate some repairs, but make difficult water damage repairs less likely.

(×) Glass on front and back doubles the likelihood of drop damage—and if the back glass breaks, you'll be removing every component and replacing the entire chassis.

Score is 6/10 for repairability.

I want to get into ML. Which do you think is better ? Ocaml or SML ?

Ocaml is eminently practical (It's an ideal backend language), while SML isn't.

I think SML is cleaner, but OCaml has a more evolved ecosystem.

A third option would be F# - which I enjoy a lot.

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