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Add networking users to the list, who engage in paid upvoting campaigns. After my first and last post on product hunt I got 3 different requests for "Supportive Product Review" within 4 hours.

Its a cult, nothing more.

Cmon nice write up, but Heroku?

It looks like it is very comprehensive, nice design (I like the sand theme) and includes some things that I also use for my DD.

But I would advise you to make it a bit more open; let the user create a custom screener without sign up, same for watchlist, to see how it works and looks.

Kudos for the tools so far, I'll take a closer look later.

let me know if you got more. Will open the wachtlist and screener during this week. thanks david

Please explain it, your entire product wraps around the 100 real humans fact. So folks want to understand how you employ 100 real humans. Thanks

Of course! As i introduced briefly above, I get humans by integrating with a few mobile apps for a little bit of monetization - e.g. apps similar to "Duolingo" or "GoodNovel". So I do not employ anyone directly. Right now there is otherwise not too much control over who it goes to. (It will likely be 100 new people every time) Better audience control is something that i would want to look into.

Nice, but too many animations/chaos on the landing page for my taste. Keep it simple.

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