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> Launching there does not make sense anymore.

Just curious, but did it ever make sense to launch on Product Hunt? I would assume that the claim that "most users on Product Hunt are developers, designers, or founders" has always been true.

> I would assume that the claim that "most users on Product Hunt are developers, designers, or founders" has always been true.

Their user base is narrower than that, IMO. Actual founders (not just wannabe founders) are too busy to be scrolling Product Hunt all day. If they do, they’re more likely to be there to rip off your idea than pay you for it. Developers prefer sites like HN or engineering blogs.

Product Hunt caters to product managers and designers.

Add networking users to the list, who engage in paid upvoting campaigns. After my first and last post on product hunt I got 3 different requests for "Supportive Product Review" within 4 hours.

Its a cult, nothing more.

It has. And so it makes sense if they happen to be your target market.

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