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Agreed. It's important to put enough effort that you find meaning in your work, but not so much that it ruins your wellbeing. Here's a rough algorithm that works for me:

1. Estimate the hours you think it will take to complete a task.

2. Double it and let the team know you did that.

3. Do the work well including good documentation.

4. Assess your progress when you've spent 50% of the planned hours. If you're not at least halfway done, avoid overworking. Instead, seek help within the team and descope.

5. Utilise any extra time for learning new and useful skills, if you finish ahead of schedule.


I agree. This requires a healthy workplace though.

I worked somewhere, well two places where I was literally taken to task about how long something took. Repeatedly. They didn’t care about why, just that it wont happen again.

It didn’t: in both cases it’s time to fire up Word again and edit my CV (pretty much the one reason I use that program!)

It’s reasonably straightforward to produce a very nice resume/CV in LaTeX.

Maybe. But that’s like learning to build a car and then building one and fine tuning one because I had to go to an office 200 meters away once in a few years.

Yeah, I did Texin’ in college and tried after that as well. No body gave a shit and now when I look at CVs for hiring purposes I don’t give a shit either. Now my CV is on a live.com free throwaway account — that’s where it resides and gets worked upon and converted to PDF when needed.

If I move away from Doc, it'll be to Markdown most likely, or some kind of paid generator thing.

...and then you find that you have to go back and do another one in Word, for the places that will only accept a .docx as input.

Why isn’t it table stakes to accept PDF? Recruiters have been caught using Word to make false changes in a candidates’ résumé.

IME they will always take PDF if you insist, and I recommend you do. It makes it harder for them to edit it.

Pandoc easily converts back and forth and Libreoffice can edit docx.


When I find myself repeating the same topic, I write it down for future reference.

Writing is enjoyable, with the added anticipation that my children will read it someday (with mild embarrassment).

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bld.ai - https://bld.ai/ | Remote | Full-time | UX designer, software engineer, product manager

We are a design + dev shop. We bill our clients hourly. We give all IP to our clients. We are long term partners with a dozen well funded startups (e.g., backed by a16z, YC, etc.), an energy super major, a giant tech, and more. We are 3 years old, now 80 employees, and growing at 100% every 9 months.

Passionated about UX. Test driven development. Transparent about finances and compensation. Diversity by design. Employee owned. We systematically invest the majority of our profit in recruiting, training, and mentoring each other.

Email: join@bld.ai

"Batteries included" Django is a no brainer for a lot of use cases. True. But clerk.dev seems to be targeting teams that use (javascript) microframeworks. They are building something people want and the pricing seems to scale well up to 100K users. If you have millions of users, I'm sure their enterprise team will give better deals than $0.05 / MAUs.

> the pricing seems to scale well up to 100K users

I'm not sure I agree. This isn't really an infrastructure cost, it's a direct COGS (cost of goods sold) cost, and hits the service's margin. For a SaaS business charging $10-1000 per month per user it's fine.

For a retail business though I think this could be prohibitively expensive. Let's say you have a 10% conversion rate and $100 a year spend for customers, that's actually only $0.83 a month per active user. This is a 6% margin hit.

Sure, maybe in retail you often don't need non-customers to log in, but maybe you do. Or maybe your active users correlate much more strongly with your paying users, but maybe they don't. Content-led, email newsletter style business could struggle with this pricing.

You would have to have all of your users (converting and non-converting) still logging in / using the service monthly for this math to work out, as they charge by monthly active users.. I'm sure this happens somewhere, and that's probably not the most ideal place for Clerk.

(Helpful tip) map caps lock to escape: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Avoid_the_escape_key

Strongly agree -- I mapped my whole keyboard to always have caps/esc swapped. It didn't take long to get used to. My left hand feels way better, not needing to reach very far.

Biggest downside is using someone else's keyboard. I've grown a nasty habit of hitting escape instinctually, every time I finish typing something. I turn on their caps lock so regularly! Still worth it though

I still use caps lock since I regularly code in POSIX shell, C, C++, and Perl, which all have naming conventions that use all-caps names.

Also, as a VIM user, I only have to use Alt when I’m dealing with GUI apps, which is definitely common, but a time when I don’t mind moving my hands around.

So for me, Esc is Alt. Alt is caps lock. And of course caps lock is Esc.

And I swap Super key and Control, since the Super key is easier to press with my palm on my ergonomic keyboard. And Ctrl does have a lot of uses in Vim.

I also map the Windows Menu key (not the Super key, but the other one which is used for showing context menus) To underscore. That helps me type C identifiers with multiple words in them. This one remapping is a huge benefit, almost as important as mapping caps lock to Esc.

Map caps to ctrl and you can get access to a world of convenient insert mode shortcuts.

ctrl-[ (for right hand) or ctr-3 (left hand, thanks teddyh) => escape

ctrl-i => tab

ctrl-h => backspace

ctrl-m => return

ctrl-w => delete prev word

ctrl-u => clear line

ctrl-o => cmd mode for 1 cmd

...and many, many more, including all the completion options.

Still wasteful. Map Capslock to both Escape and Ctrl and never look back

https://github.com/alols/xcape (for linux)

https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/132564/how-can-i-r... (for macOS)

https://github.com/ililim/dual-key-remap (for windows)

What's the advantage to having control on it as well? Do people have trouble reaching the control key?

Try it (or swap caps and control for day, to make sure you don't accidentally "cheat"). On most keyboards reaching the control key is very unergonomic compared to the capslock key. I wonder how many cases of RSI could be avoided by this simple tweak alone.

I strongly agree, but would go one step further and just remap caps lock to escape for the entire OS. Caps lock is a relatively useless function that takes up extremely prime real estate.

Or if you're on a locked-down computer because your office hates people, ctrl+[ works as well (and is portable to other people's computers)

You can also do the remapping in hardware. Programmable keyboards are quite popular these days (I built one out of a $3 stm32f103), and they don't rely on the OS to help you do what you want to do.

(This is a blessing and a curse. You never have to worry about OS-level hacks to make caps lock a control key, but on the other hand, there is no way in the USB HID protocol to say "send an !". Rather, the keyboard has to synthesize a shift + 1. And what character that actually maps to depends on your OS, because of course it does.)

I still get some mileage out of my caps lock key and use "jj" and use paste mode if I have to insert an uncommon string with "jj" in it. Usually pasting it anyway.

I tried that `jj` or `jk` thing for a while and it just did not click with me at all.

I tried it because I was having a bunch of wrist pain. The actual solution to my wrist pain was easy: Don't code on a laptop keyboard. The ergonomics are terrible.

I went one step further and swapped escape and caps lock keys on all my machines and haven't regretted it so far.

I cannot remember the last time I wanted to use CapsLock--more than 30 years ago, anyway.

By far the most irritating thing about others' keyboards is they have not disabled it yet. Second most is that Ctrl isn't there instead.

How do you TYPE_A_CONSTANT for the first time, or an ENUM_VALUE (perhaps somewhere you don't have autocomplete)?

I keep a caps lock on my programmable keyboard for this (Fn+K).

I also like SQL to be formatted with capital letters for keywords.

Either using shift keys or:

  type_a_constant ctrl-[ vawU
That sounds more than it is. Really I just touch type it without thinking consciously about it.

Probably don’t even need visual mode that’s just how I work.

I prefer Ctrl on Caps Lock and Escape on the original Ctrl. Works pretty well too.

My anecdotal evidence based on my own kids (3 of them) is that despite having (empathetic) parents, siblings, grand parents, friends, pets, and more, they still sometimes find comfort in material things like a stuffed toy animals, blankets, or figurines. I see Moxie as an experiment in making a more interactive stuff toy rather than a replacement for living things, and I'd probably try the toy for a week if it was less than $200.

As another commenter said, stuffed toys atleast help with kids imagination skills. Interactive robots that gamify life, i don't think so

I wonder if your concern would be addressed if Figma allowed creating a private branch that you could merge back later.

It's a moment of pride that this country has citizens like him. It reflects well on the values of some of the celebrities like him, and hopefully it is inspiring others, thanks also in part to good journalism. It also didn't happen without the efforts of the kids who had to believe it was possible, put in the hours, and demonstrated proficiency on the tests.

Ah yes, America, the country where we take pride in the fact that a few school children will be bailed out of a broken system by some rich folks who want to see change. Let’s not get caught up in why this is needed or the millions of students who haven’t been so lucky. America is proof that rich people can make the lives of a few people better! /sarcasm

This is an experiment to try something and show that it can work. Then, local governments/school boards can use it as an example and copy some of the successful pieces at larger scale. Your cynicism about rich people helping just a few is unwarranted here.

I agree with you and with the OP. It’s great that LeBron is doing this experiment. Maybe it will better show people that investing in students is worthwhile. But at the same time, I’m frustrated at the way we’ve let this happen. Why do we have some public schools with such poor performance? It’s right there in the results this school is seeing. The school succeeds at serving this community because the people need relief. The article mentions how some of the students parents are taking classes at the school too. The school offers free food and clothing to any parents who need it.

Do you know why the school offers free food and clothes to parents, and why that’s making a difference here? Because the parents can’t afford enough healthy food, and giving them food helps them and their children do better. But seriously, why do we have children and adults who are so unable to feed themselves that they can’t think straight?

Our economy has utterly failed these people, or perhaps was never meant to serve them. And if a philanthropist has to give them groceries, it sounds like the food stamp system hasn’t been enough either.

Don’t mistake my outrage for cynicism.

The McKinsey Global Institute has published/invested a lot on the topic and have a good set of podcasts: https://www.mckinsey.com/mgi/overview/the-new-world-of-work-...

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