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Agreed. It's important to put enough effort that you find meaning in your work, but not so much that it ruins your wellbeing. Here's a rough algorithm that works for me:

1. Estimate the hours you think it will take to complete a task.

2. Double it and let the team know you did that.

3. Do the work well including good documentation.

4. Assess your progress when you've spent 50% of the planned hours. If you're not at least halfway done, avoid overworking. Instead, seek help within the team and descope.

5. Utilise any extra time for learning new and useful skills, if you finish ahead of schedule.


I agree. This requires a healthy workplace though.

I worked somewhere, well two places where I was literally taken to task about how long something took. Repeatedly. They didn’t care about why, just that it wont happen again.

It didn’t: in both cases it’s time to fire up Word again and edit my CV (pretty much the one reason I use that program!)

It’s reasonably straightforward to produce a very nice resume/CV in LaTeX.

Maybe. But that’s like learning to build a car and then building one and fine tuning one because I had to go to an office 200 meters away once in a few years.

Yeah, I did Texin’ in college and tried after that as well. No body gave a shit and now when I look at CVs for hiring purposes I don’t give a shit either. Now my CV is on a live.com free throwaway account — that’s where it resides and gets worked upon and converted to PDF when needed.

If I move away from Doc, it'll be to Markdown most likely, or some kind of paid generator thing.

...and then you find that you have to go back and do another one in Word, for the places that will only accept a .docx as input.

Why isn’t it table stakes to accept PDF? Recruiters have been caught using Word to make false changes in a candidates’ résumé.

IME they will always take PDF if you insist, and I recommend you do. It makes it harder for them to edit it.

Pandoc easily converts back and forth and Libreoffice can edit docx.

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