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Is this your day-job? That's impressive. Did you cry on the travesty of Netflix Cowboy Bebop?

No, not quite my day job yet.

I have stopped watching the live-action Cowboy Bebop after about 5 minutes, so much of it was spared.

The same production company (Tomorrow Studios) is currently making the live action One Piece, which, ironically, could be more detrimental to live-action anime than Cowboy Bebop was.

The reason is that even though the live-action One Piece is not something I'd consider live-action _anime_, it's actually quite good and is definitely well received, which may cause producers to adopt its formula, and stop researching alternative adaptation paths.

> travesty of Netflix Cowboy Bebop

Ugh. I just… it was so… ugh.

Which AI tools do you use to debug? search for information?

search for information? -- perplexity is good for this

debug -- cursor.sh for coding/debugging with your codebase as context. also just raw inputting into claude is pretty effective.

What type of work do you do?

From your own personal experiences, which cities/towns do you recommend?

If the only thing you care about is maximizing startup outcomes, then the answer is always SF/Bay Area, but that doesn't factor in other things like cost of living, your personal enjoyment of the area, and so on.

Are you able to disclose the URL of the website? How often are you writing to the database? Every few seconds or minutes?

It's a fan website for an obscure mobile game (that I don't really want to associate with my professional profiles, it is really just a hobby); the database sees a bunch of write transactions per week, whenever an editor writes new content.

If it wasn't for non-technical editors requiring an interactive WYSIWYG backend, it could've been made with a static site generator, but as it is, Django needs a couple dozen megabytes of RAM at worst for logged in users.

Not OP but just checked the logs for one that I'm running.

As a first approximation I grepped for PATCH in the web server logs and it seems to service about 30 of those per second on a $40/month vps. I haven't load tested it so not sure how high it could go. That's not including any POSTs etc which may also generate DB writes.

Bear in mind this isn't particularly performance tuned either as the webserver uses go (slow in general) and the portable go sqlite3 driver (also slow)

> webserver uses go (slow in general)

Go isn't slow in general, it's pretty damn fast without getting into the crazy handcraft artisanal stuff with e.g. C/C++. It's, IMO, the perfect balance between speed, features, language complexity, standard library richness.

For reference, a random benchmark that shows that even the optimised to hell Twister Python web server is slower than the out of the box, in the standard library, `net/http` in Go.

I just run django on nginx-passenger in debug mode, but I don't vomit dozens of megabytes of Javascript into the output so I still hit sub-second render targets. I think there's maybe two dozen lines of JS for some interactive calculator widget.

What do you use today on a daily basis for an desktop OS?

At home it's almost entirely Linux (usually Arch btw), unless you count the occassional Windows VM.

I'm using KDE for a desktop, funnily enough customised heavily to look like Windows 9x.

I usually run something lighter like WindowMaker or IceWM though, but need Wayland for Waydroid atm, so KDE gives me a pretty nice Wayland experience out of the box.

Did I mention I run Arch?

Thanks for the info. The Arch OS, wiki, and community have been very impressive. I use mainly Void, but I still need to go back and read the Arch wiki for many things.

Did you hate or love Microsoft Works? If so, why?

I used to dislike it mainly because we received so many CVs in .wks format and they were a complete pain to work with.

What type of apps do you code for your day-job? (I program for fun and curiosity, so that is why I ask that lame question.)

Do you use node.js? Deno is brought in part by the Node.js creator, Ryan Dahl, who wanted to fix/improve a lot of things he didn't like in node.js.

They also have "Deno Deploy" (with a free tier) to run your code on different servers scattered throughout the globe: https://deno.com/deploy

One of the reasons I love the `deno` executable is you can use `import` statements in your code and then tell `deno` to merge everything into a single .js file. I would then take that and publish it to Cloudflare Workers. I know you can do this with node.js and a bunch of tools, but it is so much simpler with `deno`.

Not the person you asked but I'm in exactly the same boat: coding since decades and had never heard of Deno (but I have "of course" at least heard of node.js and React and Angular and ...), have been mainly coding C++ and OpenCL/CUDA.

Deno is one of those things that makes it to the front page regularly (I’ve seen it here at least once every two months since it’s release) but if you aren’t on here every day or only started frequenting here recently I could easily see it being missed

Anything stressful about your job?

Not really, why?

Alan Kay said Bob Taylor found a way to get all these "lone wolves" to work together. Did you see anything like this at PARC?

Why are you and other big names hanging out at HN? I thought Quora (and occasionally Reddit) attracted the big names. (I'm not complaining. I just thought people of your stature had their own "exclusive" watering holes on the Internet ;)

I am not a "big name" :-). I am more like the Woody Allen character who shows up in the crowd at a lot of famous events with famous people.

And to clarify, I did not work at PARC, my wife worked as Xerox Business Systems which was co-located with PARC and there was a lot of intermingling. I was at Intel when we moved here, then joined Sun.

You're overly humble Chuck. ;)

Intel and Sun? Oh man. Hopefully, the battle scars have healed by now.

There's a lot of big names on HN. Alan Kay commented here before and even did an AMA.

Does anyone even go on Quora anymore...? I thought it was spammed to death.

And stuffed with ads too.

What publications or articles do you recommend on climate change as an intro. an what/why it's going on?

Do you take anything else besides the vaccine against covid? How do you deal with friends who are anti-covid-vaccine/pro-vitamin?

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