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Every release is an LTS version, with support for about 8 years.

The current stable release of macOS (10.14 Sonoma) supports all Macs introduced in 2017 and later.

Older macOS versions don't receive all security fixes, so while you'll receive security updates from time to time, the OS isn't fully patched. It's a bit different from, say, Ubuntu LTS.

Creepy, low-quality and overpriced! The Google hardware trifecta.

Thank you - the link appears to have been changed from that originally submitted.

That's quite disturbing.

According to the logs, you submitted https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/29/world-wi.... We didn't change the link.

I've belatedly changed it now though.

Either you mispasted the link or HN's software just followed redirects and/or resolved canonical links from the HTML which changes the URL. Happens occasionaly.

Think for a minute why Israel might be “providing security” for this floating pier (built by the US), or why a sea-route for aid is even necessary in the first place. Wouldn’t it be much, much simpler to bring in aid by land (via the many border crossings also administered by Israel)?

The pier provides something else to Israel: a large escape hatch for forcibly transferring a large population without resettling them in Israel (or Egypt). This plan was suggested last year by an Israeli think tank linked to Likud and the current Israeli war cabinet: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231024-israel-think-tank...

(By the way, there is still some aid attempting to enter Gaza via the land routes but there are multiple examples of trucks being blocked and food being destroyed. Here’s a video from last week where the IDF watched as food aid was blocked and burned: https://x.com/sapir_slam/status/1791143191988543538?s=46)

The tragedy of a people who often experience racism being perpetrators of it always shocks me. The difficulty the majority of human beings have differentiating people who look like my enemy, from my enemy, is really impossible for me to understand. Targeting every part of a group in this way rather than as individuals based on the content of their character is something that is still a pipe dream :-(

So your take is Israel is going to take the US military built port and put millions of Palestinians on a boat? This goes way beyond conspiracy theory

Like you mentioned there are hundreds of trucks going in per day but there are also issues with Egypt shutting down their side, Hamas bombing the Israeli gates, and israeli protesters blocking aid. The sea bypasses all 3 of those issues. They’ve already transferred in hundreds of tons of aid in just the few days it’s been open.

This is not my take, this is a proposal that has been suggested by Israeli officials.

I think Vision will be as big as the iPhone and this will be clear in 3-4 years.

Article is from 2021

I can’t tell from the documentation on GitHub: does the API expose the flagged/dead posts? It would be interesting to see statistics on what’s been censored lately.

Al Jazeera claims this is direct retaliation for their 7 Oct documentary which is a very thorough analysis of some of the more extreme claims made by the IDF about what happened that day. Ironically, this documentary uses the Israeli government's own information as its initial primary source (including the official record of who died that day).

The documentary can be viewed in full on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0atzea-mPY

Self-driving tech is really a bet auto manufacturers are making for the US market. Most of the developed world will move away from individual vehicles for anything besides the last mile in the next decades. Modern countries will have extensive train networks (already somewhat self-driving), but the US' faux-democracy does not allow for incumbent technologies like the automobile to be supplanted.

This is such a pipe dream, your pipe must be heavily clogged at this point.

I live in Switzerland, it doesn't get more developed re infrastructure on country level than this really. Car ownership ain't going away, train network is fine but a) ridiculously expensive and prices are raising each year; b) certainly not good enough for many many tasks, unless you like spending 2h in trains/buses instead of 30 mins in the car, sometimes there is just nothing.

Yes you can arrange your life and simply experience less, but why the heck would anybody do that? Private car ownership is at all time high and not slowing down, there are visibly more and more cars on the roads every year.

Self-driving may change that, once it comes. I estimate 2040 earliest en masse, musk poisoned that pond pretty badly with his lies and unfulfilled promises. It just became a no-topic for next decade and some.

> Most of the developed world will move away from individual vehicles for anything besides the last mile in the next decades.

I live in Seoul where despite its jokingly small size, people have car(s). We already have highspeed rails and everything. Cars are definitely not going anywhere unless specifically went against it by governemntal policies.

I live next to a train station in Scotland. To travel to a big city near me 32 miles away and back would cost me £11.30

This would cost £1.92 in my EV (or £7.68 in my old diesel).

It would also cost me £1.92 for my whole family in the same car, whereas the train fair would multiply.

There’s a lot more to it than that of course but public transport is expensive.

Well thank God for that because I would rather not risk getting assaulted on the train, or ride with people shooting up and vaping, or experience it catching fire underground and breathing in enough smoke from an electrical fire to guarantee cancer, all of which happen regularly around here. Give me those robo taxis, baby.

So you can get carjacked instead? I’d have thought watching so much local TV news would have informed you that leaving the house is unacceptably risky.

I don’t watch local news but I did take the metro to work for many years.

Me too, but never that risky. The worst it got was a drunk college girl throwing up on the way back from the bar.

Move to a first world country

Glib and ironic since first world countries are the ones where these types of problems exist the most.

The joke is your think your country is good, but it turns out it's terrible if those things are "happening regularly"

I would not trade my standard of living for better public transit.

..according to Google. They have a track record of over-promising and then delivering something functionally worse than OpenAI.

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