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I don't understand the Musk fandom in the comments, I've never seen anything to signal to me he's been anything but a savvy investor? He's a better engineer than the average finance bro sure, but seems far from notable in any discipline this site typically cares about? His acquisition of Twitter destroyed the lives of many hard working people and has made it okay for many more companies to follow similar dark patterns (insane API pricing, furthering content lockdown, probably other stuff I don't like to see in the industry)

Not a fanboy but he definitely did something with SpaceX and Tesla. Both companies were laughable ideas that would clearly never work.

He used them to brand himself as Cool Sci-fi CEO. His Cool Sci-Fi CEO branding may have had a positive impact on the company.

I'd like to see any evidence that any other contributions of his were actually positive.

Bezos has had a rocket company for over a decade and never reached orbit.

I agree that Musk looks like an ass with Twitter but it's a heck of a coincidence that both Tesla and SpaceX were successful doing things nobody thought was possible.

Having spent some time in corporate america, it's a pretty low bar for execs in technical fields. Maybe he just had to be reasonably bright and focused on the mission instead of internal politics.

> it's a heck of a coincidence

I could make the same argument for me. It's a heck of a coincidence the place where I work had no product or revenue or customers before they hired me and a few years later suddenly we have 5 products, huge contracts, and are one of the most hot brand names in our AI niche.

But is my contribution interchangeable with any rando or am I a 10x engineer? Was my contribution even net positive or did others on my team carry my dead weight to the finish line?

Once you've seen a rocket land itself Musk looks like a visionary - that was the turning point for me personally.

I'm a huge space nerd and Musk seems to understand future trends and how to get in early regardless of how it looks from the outside. So a bit of savvy investor mixed in with passionate about product in ways you don't expect from a money man.

Plus his opinions just coincide with a lot of my opinions when i hear his interviews. The X stuff seems like something I can't see yet coz i'm not a social media guy and avoid it in general. I've actually started using twitter more as a consequence of the rebrand coz I want to see if it's going anywhere.

As for the "dark patterns" i think it's just a recession/AI content theft hitting and it was gonna happen anyways, everyone was just holding their breath hoping they weren't the first in line.

The Wikipedia Manual of Style is a good guide to cases like this


To answer your question, she/her is correct, and a brief note that she went by Walter at the time is sufficient to avoid confusion.

Thanks! I'm somewhat ignorant of these things, and I did not mean to offend anyone.

This looks so cool! Unfortunately, my 16.1 11pro is crashing before an image can be generated, let me know if I can do anything to debug/test this.

Which generation of iPad is that? Honestly I haven't tested iPad yet, still in designing phase.

I got I working nicely on my M1 iPad

IPad Air 4 is ok too.

My bad I wasn't clear, iPhone 11 Pro on iOS 16.1

It’s working fine on my iPhone 11 Pro / iOS 16.1 with all default settings. Just generated an image of an astronaut skiing that looks pretty good!

Am I missing something? Or is there no actual documentation for its current incarnation? Clicking the link and then following the link for documentation is an infinite loop.

Seconding this recommendation,my DT990s are the most comfortable headphones I have ever owned. They are the only pair I can wear for most of the day and feel no fatigue.

console.table() is a favorite of mine for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important to me is that it's really easy to quickly find a giant table in a wall of text if I'm logging a bunch of other stuff.

For this I use console.error (red) or console.warn (yellow).

I haven't downloaded the torrent (and won't download it), but looking at the kat link, something weird is going on here. It says the torrent was uploaded and last updated 5 years ago in the video category of the site? Ubuntu 20.04 was released in, well, April of 2020. Unless I'm missing something that torrent can't possibly be Ubuntu 20.04, but it sure lines up that it could be Rebirth (2016) after all.

I downloaded the torrent from KAT and confirmed that the filename and hash match the Ubuntu torrent. It appears that some metadata on that site is incorrect.

93bdab204067321ff131f560879db46bee3b994bf24836bb78538640f689e58f /mnt/downloads/ubuntu-


If someone were to intentionally publish indexes that associate pirate titles with non-pirate SHAs, I imagine they’d be able to cause a lot of trouble for the DMCA takedown industry.

Who knows, maybe that's exactly what happened here. Could be a vigilante trolling the copyright trolls. (Not all copyright firms are necessarily trolls. The ones that recklessly automate things so heavily that they'd make this mistake probably are, though.)

Worked perfectly on Firefox 88.0.1 on Windows. Great to know despite my efforts to balance privacy and anonymity, there is another metric that I'm unique in. Fingerprinting is just insidious.

Browsing in a VM is really one of the only safe ways to go on the modern web for privacy. So many sites break without JS, and having it enabled is an accident waiting to happen.

When you need privacy, always browse in a VM or a Tails boot.

Even in a VM you have to carefully ensure that memory deduplication is disabled, and/or some form of mitigation against Rowhammer is in place. Else you will be vulnerable to Flip Feng Shui cross-VM attacks.


This won't work against fingerprinting unless you change the underlying hardware and / or external IP too when stating a new VM. If you don't have a unique external IP per VM you might as well not bother. It is like trying to hide from the police by changing clothes and cutting your hair but stil hold the same huge sign with your name and address in your hands.

The use of Tor or a public VPN (i.e. many hundreds of unrelated users sharing a single public IP) is implicit.

Since this is about fingerprinting and not hiding your identity I'm not sure this will help. If you use a public VPN you are removing some data points from the fingerprint but adding a huge new one. After all fingerprinting is about blending in and being like the average user. Adding a few privacy extensions and a VPN and you are much easier to recognise.

Please note that I did not hack the Apple Airtags, I'm just using the video's title :). All credits to stacksmashing of course.

>Einstein is probably the most famous fraud of the 20th century. Strange how many people don’t realize he plagiarized his own wife.

Could you provide a source on this? DDG only shows youtube videos and conspiracy websites when searching.

Using a query like [Einstein fraud] or whatever is going to get you crap results. Try something like [Mileva Marić] instead to get results from mainstream sources like SA[1]. And obviously those sources aren't going to throw words like "fraud" around, but you don't even have to read between the lines to see my claim is plausible if not entirely justified. It's yet more evidence that women in STEM have been erased by men taking credit for their work.

[1] https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/the-forgotte...

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