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Sure, the existing consumer smart doorbells serve exactly that need. But this project can be handy for someone, like me, who already has a camera pointed at their porch but not a smart doorbell. So, with this project, I could add an automation to push a picture from the front porch camera to my phone when someone rings the doorbell, for example.

Great example, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm a new user of Duplicati and so far so good, but what you describe sounds like their biggest issue with the original storage mechanism (full+huge chain of incremental backups). The new mechanism would likely completely fix your concern. Here's a brief description of how it now works on their website: https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Storage-Engine/

Not OP, but I think what was meant is identifying a vaccine that targets proteins(s) on the surface of the virus rather than only the little "spikes" that protrude from it. Early vaccine development latched onto the idea that the spike proteins are critical to the virus' ability to infect humans, so mutations would likely/hopefully/maybe make the virus less dangerous to humans anyway.

But, it would be ideal if we could also find proteins on the surface of virus that are less likely to mutate (than other proteins in the virus) that we could teach our immune systems to look for.

The biggest factor for me was having kids. After I moved out of my parents' (my mom was an administrator of a preschool, so I think she brought home lots of fun germs), I didn't even get a cold for 3-4 years. I wouldn't say I did anything other than basic hygiene (hand washing after bathroom breaks, etc) to prevent getting sick during that time.

Then I started having kids. I've spent most of the cooler seasons with at least mild cold symptoms ever since. It's been like clockwork that every year for the last 8 years, everyone in the house gets a "stomach bug" around February; including 2020.

No surprise to me, this past year no one in the house (of five) has had anything besides allergy symptoms. This February was the first in 8 years that I didn't find myself spending an evening on the toilet with constant diarrhea. I don't want to go back to normal.

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