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The biggest factor for me was having kids. After I moved out of my parents' (my mom was an administrator of a preschool, so I think she brought home lots of fun germs), I didn't even get a cold for 3-4 years. I wouldn't say I did anything other than basic hygiene (hand washing after bathroom breaks, etc) to prevent getting sick during that time.

Then I started having kids. I've spent most of the cooler seasons with at least mild cold symptoms ever since. It's been like clockwork that every year for the last 8 years, everyone in the house gets a "stomach bug" around February; including 2020.

No surprise to me, this past year no one in the house (of five) has had anything besides allergy symptoms. This February was the first in 8 years that I didn't find myself spending an evening on the toilet with constant diarrhea. I don't want to go back to normal.

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