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the pics go to 404

thanks, I've fixed them

btw, you appear to be shadow banned, probably on account of being downvoted for making short comments like "good" or "I don't get it"

Short & simple responses may be adequate at times, but usually people will view it as not adding anything

Perhaps reviewing guidelines https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html will give an idea of the ideal being yearned for (granted, it's an ideal). In general, trying to enhance the conversation with relevant information/ideas. "your links are 404" was definitely relevant here

How can you tell someone is shadowbanned?

Their new posts will be dead. You can enable seeing dead posts in settings. Then if you click on their account & view their comments, it'll all be grayed out

I vouched for barfard's comment in this thread

fuck censorship

do you like rule 110 better than conways game?

a wee wii

How'd you stay motivated enough for 3 months? Were you'll really that passionate about this game idea?

My wife was annoyed at not having released a game for almost a year and she set a hard deadline with the smallest game idea she could think of. It became fun when the game became playable and if we had to do it again, we'd focus on getting to that stage much earlier. The game was finished before the deadline, so we even had time to polish, balance the game mechanics against each other and add a touch interface for the Android release that never happened, but made it into the source code DLC anyway. Previously, we had spent way too much time switching back and forth between Unreal Engine and Godot, not being able to decide or finish anything. Kicking each other's behind to finally get it done also helped a lot.


Why did you decide to go with Godot instead of Unreal or Unity?

Are you happy with your decision?

could still get 99% test coverage with useless tests

shadow puppets - nobody cares

moon shadow - everyone loses their minds

If only shadow puppets could cast astronomical radioactive plasma profiles onto a 100 mile wide audience..

tax cuts instead of subsidies might do better

Interestingly, last year, Canada introduced tax credits to support the clean energy technology sector [1]. Its "total over $60 billion over the coming ten years" [1]. But there is also some actual money in the same package.

So I wonder, what the thinking of the government is in deciding when tax credits and when direct subsidy.

[1] https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/202...

Tax cuts are used more often when the government wants to see more private investment into an industry. Not really an issue with 'AI' right now.

Direct subsidy is more common when the government wants to see a particular outcome; then they can more easily steer those funds to realize it.

I would say not necessarily cuts, but at least tax reforms to de-risk equity compensation. Canada doesn't have an 83b election equivalent, and it's easy to end up losing a lot of money through taxes on illiquid stock options that end up amounting to more than the stock options are eventually worth. An alternative, for example, would be to allow paying taxes on stock options "in-kind": have the option to give the government a share of the stock options themselves, rather than paying that percentage in dollars on a valuation that you can't actually sell them for.

citation needed.

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