Hey folks,
About a year ago my wife and I, both closing in on 40, quit our jobs at Red Hat to start a games company and learn game development. Many things happened along the road, and about a week ago we released our first (small) game on Steam.
The demo is free to play up to level 8 (the final game plays up to level 80) and we'd appreciate any feedback you have, whether it's for the store page or the game itself.
We made the game in Godot 4.2 in roughly 3 months and I was working full time next to it. Since we ran into a bunch of roadblocks, we decided to also offer the entire source code up as a DLC in case someone wants to go look how we implemented the game, mod the game, or compile it for a different platform. The only thing we can't redistribute with the game code is the Steamworks SDK, which is available for download from Steam. (The game minus integration is fully runnable without the SDK, though.)
Cheers and happy weekend!