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Find out what role your ego plays when making decisions as a founder and compare yourself with other entrepreneurs.*

This 4-minute survey will tell you how you rank against other participants, which might be interesting to you. Please also forward this to your co-founders, as this is a team study. Sharing it in your networks renders me very grateful.

*After liquidating my startup (blik, TS'17), I noticed that ego can play a huge role in our job. So I started a PhD to examine the role of ego. The data will be used for scientific purpose only. Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss further (contact details in the survey). Thanks so much for your help and time!

blik | Munich (GER) | ONSITE | Fulltime | blik - https://blik.io | TechCrunch Battlefield (https://goo.gl/rSDyXh) | Techstars IoT '17 * Sales Manager (https://bit.ly/2UzEBPA) * Marketing Manager (https://bit.ly/2BbpHGA) * Customer Project Manager (https://bit.ly/2B88I7R)

Our customers range from large OEMs like BMW and Volkswagen to family-owned suppliers to develop a full stack (hardware to frontend) - We automate large parts of their logistics with a totally new type of technology. Our data basis is more complex than any SAP and other data ever aggregated by the companies.

blik | Munich (GER) | ONSITE | Fulltime | blik - https://www.blik.io | Techcrunch Battlefield (https://goo.gl/rSDyXh) | Techstars IoT '17

* Backend Engineer IoT (Visit: https://bit.ly/2n53FPd | Apply: 452dbd65064801@apply.breezy.hr)

* Customer Success Manager (Visit: https://bit.ly/2OBtkeN | Apply: 400bbe58519801@apply.breezy.hr)

* Embedded Software Developer (Visit: https://bit.ly/2Kl5kch | Apply: 2c396a26744e01@apply.breezy.hr)

* Internship Sales Operations (Visit: https://bit.ly/2LS6scm | Apply: 7c6edf13e5fa01@apply.breezy.hr)

Our customers range from large OEMs like BMW and Volkswagen to family-owned suppliers to develop a full stack (hardware to frontend) - We want to make their entire flow of goods of hundreds of thousands of items visible in real time. The system aggregates the most comprehensive set of process data to date to improve processes.

blik | Munich (GER) | ONSITE | Fulltime | blik - https://www.blik.io | Finalist Techcrunch Battlefield (watch video here: https://goo.gl/rSDyXh) | Alumnus of Techstars IoT Accelerator, New York |

* Backend Engineer IoT

* Customer Success Manager

* Embedded Software Developer

* Internship Marketing & Growth Hacking

* Internship Sales Operations

* Machine Learning Engineer

* Summer Internship Embedded Test Development

Our customers range from large OEMs like BMW and Volkswagen to family owned suppliers - We want to make their entire flow of goods of hundreds of thousands of items visible in real time. Our solution combines hard- and software to enable a fully transparent supply-chain around the entire world. Interested working on a challenging problem? Contact us through blik.breezy.io

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