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AI slop

With AI apps -

If you ARE paying for it, you ARE the customer AND you ARE the product being sold.

Holy crap spylent green

It’s all about the shops. And with security how it is, you are “locked in” there. Luckily you can bring your own snacks, food, but fruit varies- nationally it seems fine- internationally they don’t like fruits but only if they catch you. And there are free water fountains to refill your bottle

The USDA prohibits bringing most fruit on domestic flights from Hawaii due to pests.

It’s probably a class action lawsuit that will only pay you $50 if you know the laptop serial # and mac address of the network card on the laptop affected.

Then Apple doesn’t have to pay as much as most people won’t have that info

Usually class action funds max out if like 5-10% of the class claim their benefit. If more people make claims, the total payout stays the same and just gets split between more people. So Apple will pay exactly the same amount regardless if 10% or 90% of the class make claims.

The current trend for quite some time has been positively in every thing. Prosperity churches, only talk to people that are positive (let’s face it real friends are there when things go bad), … etc

There is a good book about this- Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America

Eh, a counter argument to the book also is that, it makes the US what it is. I haven't read that book but I have travelled and worked extensively in countries like Canada and UK and let me tell you - first hand, I have seen just the sheer increase in productivity in the US and the hopeful nature it has.

Compare that to Canada whose slogan is "We have tried nothing but are all out of ideas.".

So the positive thinking and forward and upward mindset that is present in most American large cities is palpable and contagious. It makes things happen and keeps stagnancy at bay.

I just wish they wouldn’t plant acorn trees anywhere near a road, squirrels just end up in a kill zone

I wonder how fast they decide to start using your files for training?

So if you turn it off on Aug 15th at 8pm, is it too late? Do they make it so, if its not turned off 1 second after midnight Aug 14th, its already using your data to train? Sounds crazy, but I expect them to do something like that. So that no matter what you can't beat their clock to prevent them from using your data.

The opt-out should be before they even enable AI to start training, say July 15th. But they won't because they need your data to train on to make more money.

A company Adobe tried to buy $20 billion, because they killed off Fireworks (since they didn't understand its purpose - which gave rise to Sketch) and tried to copy Sketch with XD but failed even when they made it for free (and you know that was only temporary as they hoped it would become more popular).

You know it will be turned on by default, that is 99% what companies do. The data-for-training is too important to get no matter what

Pixel graphics were still pretty much current at that time. Not everyone threw away the SNES/genesis when the next gen systems came out, most people probably still had one.

And to do the pixel graphic style you need a pixel font which was impossible because you can only reference fonts people have on their computer, Fixedsys font was the best you could reference and some did do that.

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