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They have not yet started doing any training on user content and I applaud them for that. (They've only used public community files so far.)

However, they are headed that way to support advanced AI features. Quoting Fimga:

   Two important highlights: First, all admins have control of whether their team’s content data is used for training. Second, participation in AI content training is not required to use Figma or Figma’s AI features. Learn more about our approach to training.
PLEASE, PLEASE make that opt-in versus opt-out. Do the right thing here, Figma!

It’s opt out for lower plans and opt in for higher plans

Higher plans actually can’t opt in. If I look in settings on my organization plan I cannot turn on the allow training checkbox - it’s disabled in an off state.

Somehow I hate that more.

You know it will be turned on by default, that is 99% what companies do. The data-for-training is too important to get no matter what

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