Many parts of India have a much more chilled out approach to work. The work experience that you describe is much common in North Indian companies or where North Indians are managers. Looking at the names of these kids it seems to be the case as well.
That's the specialty of a centralized state. There is a heavy push towards homogenizing Indian culture often at the cost of regional subcultures since almost 1947.
Mughals did not unite the subcontinent at any time. Even at its peak, Kerala, parts of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka was out of its influence.
Parts of Kerala became British territories after 1804.
MP and PA(not eastern) have a shortage. Santa Clara does not. It’s still pretty cheap to buy a house in SC compared to anywhere in the belt between San Mateo to Cupertino.
Nobody in their right mind would ever setup an office in Delhi or adjacent regions. The office politics alone should deter half of the people. The rest is taken care of by the increased crime rate, pollution and attitude of people.
Vizag, Kochi, Pune, Chandigarh etc are all much better cities. In both the kind of people they attract as well as the overall quality of developers.
Sorry didn't mean to imply Nehru, Gandhi, or Jinna were educated in the Soviet Union. Just that revolutionaries and early Communist Party leaders who were influential to independence were influenced by or spent time in the Soviet Union.
Vast majority of those manuscripts were either burned or destroyed during the Islamic invasion during Middle Ages.
Also can you at least point out to some temples which house these and archeological survey of India have not already done steps to preserve those temples?
The main preservation of greek texts was the byzantine empire not the Arab world. If you take a second to think about it was the Greek Roman Empire. Until it fell it was the heart of the knowledge of Rome and Greece.
"Muslim empires preserved Greek learning" is a half-truth, because the medieval Latins traded more with the Arabs than they did with Byzantium. Thus when they got Aristotle etc. it tended to be from Arab sources, even though Constantinople had much better copies.
Majority of the so called creatives or influencers in the tech platforms produce sub standard material. There are cases of people like sssniperwolff etc whose entire content is rehashing on other peoples work and making money of it. And then there are people who produce life vlogs and shopping hauls. Are they worth more than a software engineer or a farmer who produces actual tangible assets for consumption?
And when you really get into it. What about factory workers producing high margin products? Don't they deserve larger cut as without them there would be no money coming in... Surely that is much more valuable than what is now paid?
Surely the robots doing all that work are worth way more than they are now sold for? Why should you take money from the robots and progress and give that to workers who didn't add that value? More money to robots means more progress.
See how easy it is to argue for the other side, that argument is so compelling that communists tend to focus more on robots over workers and keeping wages low than capitalist countries do.
You speak as if software engineers are different. Vast majority are nothing more than marketers who know python. In essence, the same value as shopping haul video makers.
Yet their compensation is very different. It should be obvious to most that what you are paid is nothing about value or efforts or risk.