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Which swing tracks do you recommend to a noob who just got introduced to the swing music and dance?

I'm personally a fan of the old stuff (Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Chick Webb, Jimmie Lunceford, Slim Gaillard, Ella Fitzgerald to name a few) but the best thing you can do is go to dances and lessons, and when you hear a song you like, go up to the DJ and ask them what it was. The best music is the music you like and that makes you want to dance, regardless of who made it.

There are lot of people in the second group who got fired during the layoffs of 2023. They are very much subjected to the same supply demand curve. In fact they are subjected more to it than the experienced developers. After the layoffs, the market seems to have taken a K shape. Experienced developers are very much in demand and inexperienced ones are not in demand. Most of the college grads and even masters students are part of the inexperienced developers group. I personally know masters students who got layed off while the folks with bachelors and higher work experience are still working. The first bucket in your answer is barely affected in last layoffs as most of them are experienced developers. The second is the most affected.

Which uncensored model is willing to play hot or not? I just knew about llava. Are there other such models now?

Llava just integrates Clip with a llama model. Koboldcpp can now do this with many models out of the box:

* https://github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp/releases/tag/v1.61.2

This is probably a rather misguided simplification of the Indian politics. The BJP plan almost started the tail end of 1980s. Capitalist right do not control the political leaders in India. At least that's not the case with current govt.

Have they not done the same with ML/AI and have very little to show for it. What makes you think the result would be different in search?

One is a research problem, the other is a an engineering problem.

Sure search was a research problem 30 years ago, but most competent undergrads can design a search engine now. You need engineering power to scale it and admins to keep it running.

Pray how is buying land from Palestinians and setting there as a country colonialism?

These stories don't fit your description:



Both Israel and Palestine were founded in 1948 by a UN agreement. That agreement gave Israel the right to exist at the same time as Palestine. Package deal.

Without the West Bank there's not enough territory to form a Palestinian state. The Palestinians are owed a state because they are the original inhabitants of the land - yes! they are descended from the ancient Israelities: https://nitter.cz/MiroCyo/status/1712258026881921287#m

Additionally, the 1948 agreement gave the WB to Palestine. Any subsequent border changes by Israel or surrounding "Arab" countries that violate that agreement are unacceptable if they're not accepted by both Palestine and Israel.

It's true that the Palestinian leadership has been reckless and stupid again and again, but it doesn't justify imperialism over their land. We don't have empires any more and Israel isn't entitled to one.

> It's true that the Palestinian leadership has been reckless and stupid again and again, but it doesn't justify imperialism over their land. We don't have empires any more and Israel isn't entitled to one.

You might want to take a closer look at the propaganda. I believe it’s “white imperialism” or “US imperialism.” Israel isn’t the empire.

There are still empires... France is still in Africa, the USA has a fancy new drone base in Niger to protect Europe's Nigeria sourced natural gas pipeline, not to mention Obama started incursions into 7 African nations. China plagiarized the USA Imperialist playbook from the 50s to the 80s and is currently implementing it in Africa to good effect, even created their own analogue to the imperialist and exploitative IMF and World Bank, the Asian Development Bank. An then you got Russia.

>Without the West Bank there's not enough territory to form a Palestinian state.

Monaco would like to have a word with you.

The headline is misleading once you read the article. The biggest tech centres in India are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Pune. The centers of crime according to the article are Bharatpur, Mathura and Gurgaon. The cases are rising in Bangalore according to the article.

How does these facts convert to the headline of `India's biggest tech centers are cyber crime hot spots`?

I am of the opinion that Apple Maps are pretty bad outside of Cali. The locations are not exactly accurate for the remote locations of the United States. They seems to be exceptionally interested in improving lives of Californians who use iPhone.

I have to say that in Italy (and Europe) in general they are not that bad. Still way behind google maps. Like anything else unfortunately.

Anyway my point stands: if something doesn't have a clear business model, I'm not happy using it. If the business model is ads I'm very unhappy using it.

Then what is the major reason in case of rice. Statista link is behind paywall

Damn it feels so much like Apple now

Apple Silicon is one of the most revolutionary new technologies in awhile. Apple has a long way to go before it is at IBM’s status.

And Google

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