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Is there any request pricing (I could not find a mention to it on the pricing page). Could be quite compelling for some use-cases if request pricing is free.

There is no per request pricing.

about how much size does shorebird add to the app bundle?

I used dive when I was trying to cut down on the size of the image. Diffing and seeing what files/directories go into each layer was very useful.

I use it to create realtime backups of game databases. in my app each game has it's own sqlite database to store game state and litestream creates a real time copy of the database on cloud storage. if a game server crashes, i recover using the litestream copy.

I would be interested in reviewing your handbook too. I am technical, but have not deployed any AI related tooling so far. keen to know if this is targeted to AI noobs as well.

can you please explain, why do you need a non-Linux machine on the network?

Mac laptop and my phone.

The idea behind Tailscale is that you can sign in with any device. I can go and create a configuration file for WG, but then it gets longer and longer.

A common need is to have android, ios, windows, and mac computers all work, maybe even access a NAS together.

And if it's the case, no, they can't use Linux like you.

This is awesome. Want to just mention my experience trying to replicate sqlite here.

I host a multiplayer game on fly. The way I've designed it is, each game server has it's own sqlite database. And each fly server can host multiple game servers, to keep a high utilization. I currently use Litestream to replicate each database to s3 for disaster recovery. I am planning to move from S3 to sftp to save on the high post/put costs that s3 incurs (the actual storage costs are negligible).

I thought what I am doing would be more common place. But it seems that running single machine instances that can recover after a crash is not common after all (or atleast the tooling does not focus on that). Most use cases seem to be serving high availability or scalability.

In the unnecessary (IMO) desire to make everything highly available, I think simpler solutions have been over looked. I can't help but feel that if you need LiteFS, it is possible that you should be looking at a server oriented database like Postgres or Mysql. In that respect, I feel Litestream is underrated and deserves more attention. It serves a use case which is perhaps more in-line with an in-process DB :)

PS. this thread has some really interesting tools though (Marmot, mycelite). Great to see so many options.

Litestream & LiteFS author here. I think single-node, easily-recoverable systems are great and it fits a lot of people's use cases. VPS providers are pretty reliable too so even using a regular hourly backup can be good enough for some people. We even have docs for a cron-based backup [1] on the Litestream docs site.

You're right that HA is one benefit of LiteFS. But I think another important difference is reducing geographic latency. It's possible to spin up read replicas & failovers for Postgres or MySQL and then run application servers for each one of those but it's a huge pain. Or you can pay a serverless database provider but that's expensive. One of the goals with LiteFS is to simply be able to add application nodes in different regions and automagically have faster read latency to people near those regions.

[1]: https://litestream.io/alternatives/cron/

From what I know, full text search in Postgres (and MySQL) does not have faceted search. So it only supports returning full text results from the entire index.

Actually, it is possible, but doing a search on a particular segment of rows is a very slow operation - say text search for all employees with name matching 'x', in organization id 'y'.

It is not able to utilise the index on organization id in this case, and it results in a full scan.

I was wondering if Materialize is meant to be used in analytical workloads only, or would it be equally up to the task for consumer app kind of workloads as well?

Here's my take on this, from a few months back:


I agree, and would like to pay Google (would have already done so earlier), BUT, there is this gaping trust gap. I find it hard to trust that my account won't one day be randomly banned with no option to communicate with a human customer support agent.

Based on a cursory search, these bans are not so uncommon, and it is just scary

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24965432

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24791357

[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23057365

[4] https://support.google.com/accounts/thread/5016170?hl=en

(edit for formatting)

Right, this is the problem. I'm sure many of us would be happy to pay for someone to handle comprehensive photo storage the way Google Photos does. But Google can shut you out forever at any point without a warning, and it probably still is data-harvesting to bolster its services even with a paid version.

This is a completely legit reason to not trust Google with your data, but won't it apply even more when the service is free?

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