> I use AWS EC2 for Waitlist's backend python webserver, RDS for the postgres database, S3 for file storage, and an Elastic IP. I use T2 and T3 instances. My AWS bill would be $200-300 a month
My guess is that RDS is eating up the cost here?
I've been using Litestream on datasciencesouth.com - it has flaws but if you can get away with it, it's much cheaper than RDS.
The thing about RDS is that you’re paying for database backups and failover etc to be someone else’s problem. Given that the data is often an extremely critical art of the application and the high chance that you are probably not doing it right if you’re not an expert it’s often worth it to pay for managed db. RDS is a pretty raw deal in that space though. Someone else rightfully pointed out that you can get Supabase managed db for $30 USD per month which is significantly cheaper
I have often been asking Chat GPT to output things in backticks to avoid formatting of Latex that I want to copy into Markdown.
I appreciate this prompt is for Copilot, not Chat GPT, but it does highlight the curious situation where we want to overwrite the system prompt in a legitimate way.
The next evolution of a product like Chat GPT or Copilot should allow the user some ways to customize the system prompt in legitimate ways.
In this case a simple toggle that changed the system prompt makes more sense that the user prompt contradicting the system prompt.
The other toggle I wish I had was to stop Chat GPT writing a summary at the end of a message.
The Hypermodern Terminal Toolbox is a collection of tools I use as a terminal first developer:
- Kitty for a GPU accelerated, highly customizable terminal,
- Zsh for a shell & Prezto for Zsh configuration,
- Neovim as a text editor,
- Tmux for managing multiple terminals,
- Starship for a pretty prompt,
- Ripgrep for searching text files,
- fzf for fuzzy searching,
- Exa for listing files,
- Bat for viewing files,
- Sad for find and replace in text files,
- jq for working with JSON,
- zoxide for navigation,
- Tig for viewing Git history,
- direnv for environment variable management,
- Lazydocker for Docker,
- Markserv for previewing Markdown,
- ngrok for exposing local servers to the internet.
I've skimmed up and down and read some sections a few times - I'm still not 100% sure what the main conclusions are. A summary section would make the article more accessible and valuable to others.
My understanding is that the main point here is:
- some problems require reasoning through many steps of computation,
- transformers have limited depth, so cannot solve problems that require many steps.
My personal note taking system is based on Markdown, Vim, grep and Git.
I have a private repo for personal notes, including a `todo.md` file that I use as an GTD style inbox - I have an alias `todo='$EDITOR $HOME/personal/todo.md'` which takes me there quickly.
Great tool that fills out the SQLite ecosystem well - I always have a server running when I'm working with applications with SQLite databases.