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WFH I get up and move around a lot more often. In the office I'd just feel like a distraction, glued to the chair with a guilty feeling

Happened after BTC lost $30k in value. Seems North Korean crackers are busy lately

Musicians often talk about songs appearing to them to the point they feel like they can't take credit for 'writing' them. They just appear out of nowhere and are finished in an hour or so.

IME music written this way feels more organic and natural vs 'trying' to write a song over a long time period

I think this embodies the experience behind Greek mythological Muses.


There's so much terrible country music out there that I admit put me off. But lately I've been listening to Townes Van Zandt and well... my god

If you like Townes Van Zandt you might like Jimmie Dale Gilmore as well. You may find the first songs by Gilmore too polished if you like the realism of Van Zandt's live recordings, as I think I probably would if I had discovered Gilmore later, but listen to "Dallas" or "Tonight I think I'm gonna go downtown" to get a sense of his good lyrics in my opinion. Happy to see someone else like Townes Van Zandt!

They'll get sales just for the meme name lol, brilliant

Love that I can't use chromecast on any other browser. And how they make youtube ads much much tougher to get away from when you do use it

Big part of my job is convincing the bosses we don't need X new shiny thing... we still waste years chasing random tech that doesn't benefit the customer at all though

Discord is much, much better IMO and I've never enjoyed Telegram. Probably is better for the general public though

In browser or on mobile? I really don’t like either, but it is especially buggy/unintuitive on ios.

Both desktop app and android, also had issues signing up. It didn't like my number

> I’ve read that there are limits to how much weight you can lose per week, no matter how much you restrict your caloric intake.

I've been fasting here and there and I'm down from 130Kg to 98Kg in about 5 months. Apparently your body handles that sense of deficiency better if you fast vs multiple small meals. Something about that large meal letting you experience the "I'm so full" feeling.

There's a study in the NEJM where they tested 3 meals a day vs one. The participants ended up at the same weight at the end, but with smaller waists and less belly fat for one meal a day.

It's all interesting albeit frustrating stuff...

Edit: https://sa1s3.patientpop.com/assets/docs/151222.pdf

I might be remembering the results wrong as I can't find the details in that study, I'm going off this video mainly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thgVz3837l0

If I'm wrong about the results it seems the other benefits make it worthwhile anyway, preventing diabetes etc

My own personal experience with fasting has shown that I can be quite functional without food. However, I can't really learn. So while I could code a whole day I couldn't read a new programming book.

It's basically just a URL right, blame the PnD groups not the 'tech' imo

I have no idea what this sentence is trying to convey. Planning on using this to mint NFTs makes the purpose of this project financial gain, not some cutesy experiment.

If anything, the whole “our stack is so minimal!” angle serves as a signal to crypto dorks that minting NFTs for profit is an accessible possibility with minimal necessary buy-in.

This isn’t just a website with pictures of chickens. It is a for-profit advertisement for crypto with pictures of chickens.

I don't see any problem with people selling their work / art however they want. Looks like he's sold a few for $20~ each, that's a bit different to the dumb cartoon monkey fad.

IMO being completely anti-crypto is a waste of energy

That’s cool. I personally think going out of one’s way to defend crypto cash grabs dressed up as art projects is also a waste of energy. That being said, people that think it’s a good idea to mint NFTs are rarely concerned with the actual, literal problem of wasting energy.

Ah well. It's gonna be a good 6 months for the haters

It’s genuinely depressing that there are only two groups of people: HODLERS and haters. It won’t be a good six months or year or two years for people that bet their retirements, or houses, or savings on silly crypto shit. But sure! Let’s talk about people that chose not to participate in a scam, not those that did and had their lives ruined.

Was it haters that posted suicide hotline numbers in crypto reddits? or what

You're right that it is depressing how divided people are lately. Being more objective and less of a hater might help fix that.

It won't be a good 6 months for people that bet their retirements, or houses, or savings on the stock market either. Maybe they shouldn't have done that. They are both zero sum games. Both have scams. What's the difference?

I may be pro crypto with a long position, but I still told all those around me to be weary when they were all wanting to buy the peak. None of them were interested at all when BTC was at $4k. Human nature.

Just like it's human nature for the haters to jump out of the woodwork with "I told you so" every time the market wanes, which was my point. They loved it the last go round

Yeah I think the people that will become homeless because of this (if you ask people somewhat like yourself that admittedly have made money on crypto) “abstract macroeconomic phenomenon” of a “dip” or whatever would agree that they maybe should not have bet their houses on this gambling game.

Thank you for your insight that since you personally expect to make money, it’s all good despite the massive losses of regular people.

They shouldn't have, glad we finally agree on something

Yeah I absolutely agree that the ridiculous gambling phenomenon that has real life costs for many people and climate costs for everybody, even if in theory I could profit from it, is bad and grown adults shouldn’t put their money into it.

I further agree that these people whose lives have been ruined would not have incurred these consequences if there wasn’t such a big culture of speculators trying to legitimize online gambling with silly and misleading rhetoric.

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