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> I’ve read that there are limits to how much weight you can lose per week, no matter how much you restrict your caloric intake.

I've been fasting here and there and I'm down from 130Kg to 98Kg in about 5 months. Apparently your body handles that sense of deficiency better if you fast vs multiple small meals. Something about that large meal letting you experience the "I'm so full" feeling.

There's a study in the NEJM where they tested 3 meals a day vs one. The participants ended up at the same weight at the end, but with smaller waists and less belly fat for one meal a day.

It's all interesting albeit frustrating stuff...

Edit: https://sa1s3.patientpop.com/assets/docs/151222.pdf

I might be remembering the results wrong as I can't find the details in that study, I'm going off this video mainly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thgVz3837l0

If I'm wrong about the results it seems the other benefits make it worthwhile anyway, preventing diabetes etc

My own personal experience with fasting has shown that I can be quite functional without food. However, I can't really learn. So while I could code a whole day I couldn't read a new programming book.

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