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If you are looking to become more competitive as a candidate, I strongly recommend that you look at one of the more popular languages / frameworks instead of focusing on Ruby on Rails.

Despite the major investment made by Stripe and Shopify, my experience is similar to that of this commenter: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40161561 - like them, I've found the open source libraries available in the Ruby + Rails ecosystem to be aging and less well supported than that of more popular languages / frameworks like GoLang / Java / Python.

Rails is delightful to work in and very thoughtfully constructed, and the Rails community is helpful and welcoming. However, if your priority is to maximize your chances at getting hired, I would look towards GoLang / Java / Python etc, which are far less enjoyable to work in but far easier to find jobs for.

Best of luck!

Could you share the kinds of situations in which you've seen Stimulus and Turbo really shine?

My team inherited a Rails app, which used Turbo and Stimulus and we really struggled to create UIs that matched our design team's vision. We eventually had to move to react + MUI just so that we could build a webapp with a modern look and feel.

None of us come from a rails background, so I'm sure that a big part of our problem came from us trying to bend Rails to our will rather than embracing it - if you have any advice on articles / books that embody the rails approach, I'd be really grateful if you could share them.

How Stimulus and Turbo work together, is basically this: Turbo lets you do partial page updates. Stimulus works a bit like a super light framework for UI only functionality (Toast messages, Error notices, etc). We have made both applications that are pretty stateful and more display and read only, and its way faster to both develop and run than React pages imo. Compared to standard ERB pages in Rails, where if you want to change some value on the page, you need to reload the whole page. Turbo lets you split these up into components with their own controllers, and views, and components. Then only reload the components you need to reload. So you end up with a lot more performance, a lot less redraws, and a lot less database activity for complicated pages.

Fevo | New York City or Remote (NA/Europe) | Full time | https://fevo.com Fevo is an ecommerce platform specializing in social selling. We help people buy things and enjoy them together. Come build things with us! What we do: We've been changing the ticketing industry since 2016, and now we are expanding into hospitality, travel, insurance and luxury industries.

Things we love about Fevo

- We've been fully remote since before COVID, though we have an office in the meatpacking district.

- Excellent compensation; we work hard and Fevo takes good care of us financially. All employees have stock options.

- We welcome diversity, and are an inclusive workplace. We're excited to work with you.

- We create useful software using exciting technologies, with an established and talented global team.


- Backend: Golang (1.19), some modern Java (via Quarkus), some Scala

- Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux

- DB: Postgres

We are looking for enthusastic engineers with 3+ years of experience. We are open to candidates in North America and Europe, and we require that your workday has some overlap with core-east coast hours (9-5 EST).

Notable roles:

Back end engineer (Golang Focus): https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/23600611-c6b0-4645-a9b8-633b831ba...

Full stack developer (Scala Focus): https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/1ab8a8b4-8d7f-4d1e-900a-27fba91d8...

Please reach out to hn@fevo.com to apply or discuss. A full list of roles we are hiring for is at https://jobs.lever.co/fevo

Your full list of roles seems to suggest that each particular role is available only in specific countries. Are you only hiring Golang focus in the Czech Republic?

Fevo | New York City or Remote (NA/Europe) | Full time | https://fevo.com Fevo is an ecommerce platform specializing in social selling. We help people buy things and enjoy them together. Come build things with us!

What we do: We've been changing the ticketing industry since 2016, and now we are expanding into hospitality, travel, insurance and luxury industries.

Things we love about Fevo

- We've been fully remote since before COVID, though we have an office in the meatpacking district.

- Excellent compensation; we work hard and Fevo takes good care of us financially. All employees have stock options.

- We welcome diversity, and are an inclusive workplace. We're excited to work with you.

- We create useful software using exciting technologies, with an established and talented global team.


- Backend: Golang (we've already upgraded to 1.19), some modern Java (via Quarkus), some Scala

- Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux

- DB: Postgres

We are looking for enthusastic engineers with 3+ years of experience. We are open to candidates in North America and Europe, and we require that your workday has some overlap with core-east coast hours (9-5 EST).

Notable roles: Full stack developer (Golang Focus): https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/f5ab89f0-0462-4f6c-8128-7985a48b8... Scala: Full stack developer (Scala Focus): https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/1ab8a8b4-8d7f-4d1e-900a-27fba91d8... Senior Technical Product Manager: https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/1634cd7c-3379-4055-8a81-625f8921b...

Please reach out to hn@fevo.com to apply or discuss. A full list of roles we are hiring for is at https://jobs.lever.co/fevo

Us too - ssm is returning `software.amazon.awssdk.services.ssm.model.InternalServerErrorException: Server busy. Please try again. `

I'm aware of one more upside - ordinary poor Sri Lankans are starting to realize how disastrous racism and nationalism have been, and are starting to reject these ideas.

I recently saw a video where an agitator came up to a mob of mostly Sinhalese people (Sinhalese being the majority ethnic group) and said "The Muslims are coming after me with swords!" only to be told by the mob to take his racism and nationalism elsewhere. The current administration came to power on a racist and nationalistic platform, and it seems that racist and nationalist thinking is falling from grace right along with the ruling clan.

I couldn't find the video I mentioned above, so I am not able to cite it, but I can cite the following examples of more un-racist and un-nationalist behavior in Sri Lankans at present:

1. In the following article, you can see posters of murdered Tamil journalists (Tamil being the second biggest ethnic group in Sri Lanka, which historically had a great deal of ethnic conflict with the Sinhalese) being displayed right alongside pictures of murdered Sinhalese journalists - https://groundviews.org/2022/05/13/challenging-impunity-for-... . To me, this is groundbreaking - for a very long time, Sinhalese Sri Lankans would dismiss any atrocities against the Tamils out of hand. As part of the current protests against the president of Sri Lanka, I've heard more and more stories of atrocities performed against Tamils being discussed and elevated by Sinhalese people, and that is a powerful sign of positive change.

2. Sri Lankans are also becoming more open to LGBTQ people - in the past, Sri Lanka has been incredibly conservative, and profoundly dismissive and marginalizing of everyone who is not straight and cis. However, there was more openness and acceptance of LGBTQ folks during the protests against the president, and Sri Lankans even celebrated pride: https://www.themorning.lk/pride-in-colombo-past-present-and-...

Having said this, Sri Lanka is in a very tough spot indeed - being more open-minded and progressive is cold comfort when you are eating just one meal a day, or sleeping in your car while in line for fuel.

I serve as a hiring manager at a startup in nyc - we aren’t actively searching for recent grads, but I could chat and offer you a sanity check about your qualifications!

For what it’s worth, I got my first internship through a family friend :)

I work for a startup that's full-remote (been that way since before COVID) and we are hiring. If you'd like to work in golang, come apply!

who is hiring link: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30878768

Confirmed! I've been happily working at Fevo for years, more than a thousand miles from headquarters.

I work at Fevo and love it! I'd be delighted to answer any questions about it.

Fevo | New York City or Remote (Worldwide) | Full time | https://fevo.com/

Fevo is expanding and revolutionizing the world of E-Commerce, live events, and social carts.

We welcome people from all across the world to apply for this role, however, you must be open to working east coast hours.

I am a lead engineer at Fevo, so feel free to reach out to me with questions! aekanayake at fevo . com

Stack: React, Redux, Golang, Postgres, Kubernetes


- Full stack developer: https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/ed8bc8ef-f5eb-49ff-b83b-033e35a8e...

- Frontend platform engineer: https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/7cba6268-700a-4067-8c1b- 5258403c4010

- Back end developer: https://jobs.lever.co/fevo/8b4d24ad-9cd8-4acc-9ae5-31d9fedde...

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