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Can you explain to someone with no background in PR how to interpret this?

I love both parent post perspectives on this.

Working through _Crafting Interpreters_ atm. Both an educational and enjoyable read. I find the author's ability to reason across programming languages as a skill to aspire to. It feels like a meta way to think of programming languages. As any language is an instantiation of a set of parameters, made through the design decisions.

I'm using zsh with tmux and it's a bit frustrating to have it appear on every window and every pane. At the same time if it only appears once I might miss it. Does anyone have suggestions on how to make it appear only a handful of times per day?

The problem with the RANDOM approach is that it scales with how many terminals you open on a given day. Compensating for that requires state.

I'm too lazy to write actual code right now, but here's a sketch of a possible solution that allows bursts. This is racy but safely so.

  declare N, the burst size. Say, 5.
  declare T, the time in seconds after which a new burst can start. Say, 3600.
  declare S, the time in seconds after which a new occurrence is allowed within a burst. Say, 10.
  declare P, a unique identifier. Say, the-last-sunday.
  declare D, the directory to store state in. Say, /tmp/bursty-ratelimiter.
  mkdir -p "$D"
  if "$D/$P-central" exists and its timestamp is within the last "$S" seconds, exit the process without doing anything else (hmm, I suppose when opening multiple panes at the same time, this race might actually matter ... I guess you could use a lock if it matters that much)
  touch (create and update the timestamp of) "$D/$P-central"
  for I from 1 to "$N"
    if "$D/$P-$I" exists and its timestamp is within the last "$T" seconds, continue with the next iteration
    touch "$D/$P-$I"
    run the rest of the program under load
  exit the process without doing anything

Maybe just touch a file somewhere in /tmp or /run or somewhere and do if [ -f $file ]; then touch $file ...

If you never reboot could set up a cron job to delete it. Or store a counter in the file and output each time it reaches x % N.

Might be susceptible to race conditions, so could wrap it in a flock or something...

You can run it randomly with: (( RANDOM%2 == 0 )) && $HOME/last_sunday.sh

Or add after the command ;sleep 1;clear

to clear the screen after one second.

Interesting to see that on-prem starts lower than enterprise tier. What's the reason for that, as I'd assume any on prem would be more costly to provide?

It's less expensive because it's actually less costly for me to support on-prem vs cloud, so I want to incentivize on-prem when possible. I also don't want to price out non-enterprises (i.e. those on the standard cloud tiers). So it's a balancing act between standard and enterprise pricing, and so far the current pricing is working well for both.

Why do you think on-prem would be more costly than cloud? Just curious.

I assume the extra hoops for when you need to support 'the thing'. When you host 'the thing' you are fully aware of OS, versions, updates/upgrades/patches (both functional and security), you are aware of the number of users, Profiles (they didn't go on to create the profile PizzaAuditorBurger with FULL-ADMIN-on-the-whole-Galaxy and at the same time disable every audit log ever made).

Basically it's about control.

Depending on the client and the type of SaaS you are offering it may create the headache for a SOC2/PCI-DSS compliance/HIPAA/etc reports/compliance/etc. While if they host it, then it's their problem :)

So.. Cloud.. you got headaches but control the narrative, version, etc. On-prem.. they got headaches but you can charge them more hours when supporting.

(I once worked on a Programme for a mega-big company that was closing down its data centers and moving assets on a managed private cloud - I was the Compliance Lead for that project)(it involved SOX, GDPR, and the promise of 2700x)(together with the mandatory updates because some on-prem apps haven't been updated for YEARS and were still running on Win2000)(which Win2000 have the most beautiful desktop background color ever-ever-ever)(but still.. we're talking that this happened after 2015)

EDIT: Also.. if anyone is looking to hide someone in Europe to run their SOX, GRC, Internal Controls Monitoring.. I am looking (and I know the tricks to get compliance actually happen - with minimal pain)

Granted I haven't been offering a self-hosted option for that long, but I feel like Docker makes a lot of these things moot. If a customer fails to upgrade, that's on them and can potentially lead to a loss of support if they fall out of LTS.

Apart from the support, onprem is basically free as no infra costs. Why would it be more costly?

While being a student I wrote a blogpost explaining what's NLP to laypeople. It was mostly targeted at my friends but I still put it on LinkedIn. Got me a startup job.

The post: arminbagrat.com/What-on-Earth-is-Natural-Language-Processing/

Just to add to others; I'd be interested to take a look at the source, particularly for animations.

Thanks, that's quite similar to what I have in mind. When using LanguageTool, how did you deal false flags from the checker?

If your setup is open-source, feel free to drop a link.

Is it though?

Why not semantic search?

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