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Partnership with News Corp (openai.com)
65 points by davidbarker 32 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments

> We’re joining forces with News Corp to support the highest journalistic standards and enrich our products with its premium journalism.

Hard to take this statement seriously when they are the owners of tabloids like The Sun and New York Post

They've single handedly play "King Maker" in Australian politics for nearly 50 years

Murdoch is a propagandistic blight and what Walter Lippmann warned us about over a century ago

Yet The New York Post was the only major publication willing to cover the Hunter Biden Laptop while smothered elsewhere.

Thats kinda the point.

I suppose both companies are well known for confidently stating absolute nonsense as fact, so it's a match made in heaven.

I can imagine no ways in which this ends poorly. Like, News Corp in particular, but news in general, has become an entertainment product with heavy biases. Are we really thinking it's a good idea to just wire those into systems we don't fully understand, and haven't yet reckoned with?

I'm not opposed to AI, but it all feels so ham fisted and reckless as everyone tries to be the first to some imaginary finish line.

Wow this is truly the end of journalistic integrity (Not that they had much to begin with)

This was a long time ago.

>to support the highest journalistic standards

That's a hoot. Total breach in trust to integrate AI with xenophobia news outlets.

What’s the real strategy here by OpenAI? A temporary cushion and a reprieve from complaints by big publishers?

All these deals they’re making will force other brands/orgs to follow, I am just wondering - once they get a taste of that free money, are they going to continue to follow those “highest journalistic standards” and talk about OpenAI in the context of copyright for everyone else.

Or even say a bad word of them altogether.

Wild Ass Guess: Everyone OpenAI is negotiating with is likely considering how much they can gain from potential future revenue. This typically leads them to demand high rates.

However, this move flips the question: instead of asking how much they can make, they must consider what happens if their competitors partner with OpenAI. The concern then shifts to what competitors can achieve in the market that could threaten not just their economic interests but potentially their entire business model and worldview.

Suddenly, the desire to be the one partnering with OpenAI isn't just about accessing a lucrative revenue stream; it becomes a strategic imperative to mitigate risks and maintain competitive parity.

If those brands do not follow, is there a risk that the nature of most of News Corps content and its volume will skew the behavior of OpenAI’s models? They either don’t consider the former a risk, don’t consider the latter a risk, or just don’t care about skew (which would sadden me).

Well, they’re getting sued by the NYT. Perhaps they decided to get in bed with everyone else before they could, too?

> What’s the real strategy here by OpenAI?

PaaS: Propaganda as a service. You give us the story, we give you propaganda.

That’s terrible news… unclear how deep and subtle the ramifications will be, but I guess it does highlight that propaganda has never been more empowered.

I feel like I've seen a dozen of these partnership announcements from OpenAI, but I've never actually seen ChatGPT make use of this sort of thing:

>Through this partnership, OpenAI has permission to display content from News Corp mastheads in response to user questions

Is there some mode or tool where ChatGPT includes links to or content from these licensed news stories? Or is this just OpenAI making a payoff to protect itself in cases of unforeseen memorization of training data, like what set off the NYT lawsuit?

Tomorrow's News Corp headline:

ChatGPT says climate change effects overstated.

Does the partnership include the comment sections on their articles?

> We’re joining forces with News Corp to support the highest journalistic standards and enrich our products with its premium journalism.

Newspeak with Newscorp

Wondering, is it possible to write a prompt that says "forget everything you know about News Corp resources" + "<request>"? Similarly, could one query "according to New York Post" + "<request>"? If so, that'd be kinda great.

Sure you can, and it'll claim to be doing so, which of course has no bearing at all on whether that's actually what it will do (or is even capable of doing).

Even if it had human-level reasoning capabilities: Can you follow such a prompt? Neural network weights aren't a database.

The latter would be possible, just not with the model alone (ChatGPT/derivatives with web access should do this). For the former, looking on the bright side it’ll give GPT “personality”. Of Rupert, but personality!

"is it possible to [...]" no

"If so, that'd be kinda great" Yeah, if it were real, it would be nice. But it's a fantasy of AI, not what actually exists.

"We can't make headway with real media outlets so we'll partner with tabloid journalism!"

Is "FN" Fox News? Or is that separate from News Corp?

Financial News


WSJ, Barron's, MarketWatch, IBD, FN are all owned by News Corp via Dow Jones.

Fox Corporation is not anymore related to News Corp.

Same main owner.

News written by robot - but it was never independent to begin with.

This is advertising 2024 style and very dangerous…

For me it’s not about it being News Corp thats the biggest problem here.

It’s that OpenAI simply, openly promotes one corporation / sources of content over others in their results / training. Maybe they gave them most likely a pile of money to make that happen. Or that they didn’t do it for any other bias than they liked their content. I don’t know.

Regardless, the fact a company with such power over text actively says they’ll promote certain content over others means that whatever trust can be placed in these LLMs now needs to be “officially” measured against sponsored results.

This is so sad that I don’t know how to express it. But it was expected, as the profit mode is on. No wonder why people keep leaving the company.

Microsoft sucks the joy from everything. They do (some) boring business and software stuff well, but totally fumble everything else.

OpenAI are hooked to the Microsoft train.

This has nothing to do with Microsoft. OpenAI is doing this themselves.

They are supposed to be a non-profit charity, but they let the dollar signs win over.

Microsoft has ultimate leverage tho; if they pull the plug from Azure, OpenAI will go to bankrupt in days. And Microsoft has still rights for all the intellectual material.

Oh good, the AI will be training on the openly right-wing media coming out of newscorp. Can't wait for AI to tell me that the cause of my iPhone malfunction is black-on-black crime, or wokeness, or whatever their next target is.

Soon “Hey, Siri; how are they making the frogs gay?”

OpenAI is turning intk a generic VC company

sama x News Corp, a match made... somewhere.

So who will the partner with to provide balance?

I can feel the beginnings of it already, chatGPT is going to turn out to to be the biggest Karen of them all.

ChatGPT is going to ask to talk to the manager?

curious do any other paying chatGPT members have access to the Facetime an AI feature yet? Is it legit .. actually real (google recently created fake AI demos) and if you're using it cool .. how did you get access to it?

The interesting observation here is that deviating from the standard PR playbook, nobody from News Corp is quoted.

Can you explain to someone with no background in PR how to interpret this?

> We’re joining forces with News Corp to support the highest journalistic standards and enrich our products with its premium journalism.

> OpenAI has permission to display content from News Corp ... with the ultimate objective of providing people the ability to make informed choices based on reliable information and news sources.

Great choice of partner there, OpenAI.

Must feel great when you abandon all performative ethics and can go all the way.

As Peter Thiel said, AI is communism.

Over time, it will feed us information that's curated and considering 90% of people can barely think for themselves, they will start parroting braindead talking points.

He's just jealous he's not in on the scam.

> OpenAI will receive access to current and archived content from News Corp’s major news and information publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, MarketWatch, Investor’s Business Daily, FN, and New York Post; The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun; The Australian, news.com.au, The Daily Telegraph, The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, and Herald Sun; and others. The partnership does not include access to content from any of News Corp’s other businesses.

These publications aren't exactly known for their level-headed, unbiased journalism. What a shame that we're poisoning the well and allowing old media to maintain a stranglehold on crafting their own narrative.

“We” don’t have any say.

It’s naive to take the charter of openai at face value. It’s hilarious to see applications of non-profit tax filings as I’ve grown up. There is tremendous wealth and commerce flowing through the US tax free. Religions, universities, “good” tech companies. To whose benefit? Humanity’s? Lol

I bet the nonprofit with a small for profit arm that the tech is licensed from is the next best thing since the defeated incorporating in Ireland for tax avoidance.

I don't think the main issue with News Corp is that they're "old" media.

I guess everybody with a moral compass is gone

garbage in, garbage out

Funny that part of this $250m deal is "credits for use of OpenAI technology". Sell content to generate content?

Similar to the deal they got from Microsoft, >$10B on paper but a lot of that is in the form of Azure credits.

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