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The chickens kept in a factory farm are different from what most people keep at home.

My family(except for one brother) and I have completely cut all seed oils out for the last year. No longer burn at all, except for the brother that has not. He goes inside looking like a lobster.

Its in testing right now.

I’m listening to the livestream on Bret Weinstein’s channel and they are discussing data that states the opposite including data that shows a concentration in the ovaries.

I'm listening to the same podcast. The source was Pfizer data obtained via FOIA request, it was a Japanese study I think.

edit: this one: https://files.catbox.moe/0vwcmj.pdf

Here's the data in a plot:


At first glance that plot made me curious, but if you look at the raw data in the pdf, you can clearly see that whoever made the plot was trying to scare people.

They correctly plotted the total lipid concentration for a lot of things, including the ovaries (which stand out on the plot) but completely ignored the injection site (which might be reasonable, but gives a sense of scale), the adrenal glands (which have around the same content as the ovaries), liver (roughly double ), the spleen (a bit more than double).

I'm having a difficult time taking these omissions as anything other than an attempt to spread fear. As a non-expert in biology it seems reasonable that a lot of an injection into my body should ultimately end up in my liver and spleen. The attempt to obscure this probably-natural result (and instead focus on ovaries) is strange.

I’d be interested to see a source. I know of rat models that show a very small accumulation in ovaries, but these rats were afaik given doses in the range of 300x-1000x that of a human. And the accumulation in the ovaries or other regions was still incredibly small, despite the dosage given.

This is the one

Modaphanil and ephedrine are my drugs of choice for this.

How would you suggest hedging against the death of fiat currency without buying a non fiat currency?

Maybe it's just me, but if we truly see the (global) death of fiat currency, the inability of Elon Musk to sell a Tesla is gonna be among the very least of anyone's problems.

In general yes, but I think Musk's inability to sell Teslas is going to be a major problem for the particular person deciding whether Tesla buys BTC or not.

> How would you suggest hedging against the death of fiat currency without buying a non fiat currency?

We’re aware there are non-U.S. dollar currencies out there? And non-currency assets one can buy?

Nigera is suffering from high inflation and their problem is that they aren't mechanizing their agriculture sector. The end result is that they import a lot of food and fail to export their cash crops. If the government borrowed/printed money and used it to grow the agriculture sector they could actually stave off inflation despite increasing the money supply.

As per usual, the major issue with fiat currency is how poorly the government is managing the country.

Yes, lets take the already limited bandwidth of conversation and hack out more parts of it.

Why not test and see if it leads to better outcomes.

Morph is lovely because it ends up being a very thin layer over the existing Nix toolkit. All it does is deploy your NixOS config to a remote machine.

turk73, you are shadowbanned. Your comments only only show up if someone is logged in, and has showdead enabled.

I could see his comment, logged out or logged in (i have showdead the default of off)

(maybe he got fixed in last 3 hours?)

It got fixed.

Does HN actually shadowban people?

yes, if logged in you can configure your settings to view shadowbanned comments.

Read the sidebar at /r/marriedredpill/. I think you would benefit from reading No More Mr Nice Guy, and When I Say No, I Feel Guilty. Don't be turned off by the red pill language.

On the subreddit now as I type this. Man you have hit the nail on the head though with the one line. I feel so guilty when I disagree and she doesn't see my point. Its like I want her to say okay I see your point but we never seem to get there unless it is her point of view. I want to stand up for what I believe in (for the record it is things like how to save money, stuff I can pull numbers for). I come from a family where we plan things long term. So we would sit and talk about a kitchen renovation for a year or two while we saved money and weighed different options before doing. Even then we would do as much as we could ourselves. She comes from a family where you just call up a designer and contractor and hand over the house. Trouble is we don't have the money to hire designer and contractor and we don't agree on how to save money so it comes across as if I am stingy person denying her, her dream kitchen. She isn't a horrible person I promise but we just cannot do things together and I don't know what to do.

Please watch out about red-pill forums. Standing up for yourself is good, being able to communicate and be assertive is good, but the underlying ideas of the red-pill community is to build relationships on games and dishonesty, with a nice base of sexism.

Absolutely. If anyone is looking for a forum that tries to address the reality of modern men's issues without making it into a zero-sum game of men-versus-women, I've been reading https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/ lately, and it's actually really good. Yeah, I know it's hard to believe, but seriously. Take a look.

I would second this. I read most of "No More Mr Nice Guy", and while I found it helpful in some ways it also was just not as "clean" in my opinion as "Boundaries" by Anne Katherine.

MRP is pretty different in that regard. Its more about recognizing the ways society tells men to behave that don't actually help them or anyone else.

Thanks but no thanks. I read some posts and the guides they have. Superficially there's some good advice, but under all of that there is still the push to take relationships as a zero-sum game that you have to win against the other person with some tricks and rules. IMHO, it's just a recipe to create a toxic and maybe even abusive relationship.

Read the sidebar. You get one victim-puke on /r/askmrp. You will get your shit pushed in, but it will make you a better man. No one has the answers for you, but the tools are there.

I’ve read those, but unfortunately it didn’t change much my current relationship, same struggles as the op.

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