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I never reveal it at work, there are morons out there that have opinions like "I'm starsign x, and if you're y, then we won't get along". It's so frustrating

Recently my wife and I looked up our signs. I guess we aren’t compatible at all! Someone should have told us a decade ago and saved us from 10 years and counting of happiness.

They’re kinda fun but I hope people aren’t making big decisions out of them.

Typical Geminis

Has anyone tried buying art from Etsy recently? It's very difficult to find something that is actually original. Etsy is full of super hero Chinese knockoff poor quality shite

Be careful with OKCupid. I'd been using it on and off for a while and recently I got a notification saying that my email address on my account had been changed, then 2 minutes later, that my password had. You don't need to confirm anything to change the email on your account! Not even click an email link!

I was panicking

I was still receiving phone notifications despite not being to log into the app. I could see that messages were being sent and received but couldn't access my account. I believe that others are being scammed using my account

I quickly changed all other passwords and contacted OKC immediately. It's been a week now with no response. OKC have lost a paying customer for life

> You don't need to confirm anything to change the email on your account! Not even click an email link!

Same with instagram. If you don't have 2fa on. I've had my account taken over and couldn't believe it. Utterly pathetic levels of security

You mean you can change the email without a password? Why would it be a problem if they require your password but nothing else in order to change your email?

I'm saying its a problem to change the email without using an email verification link to do so

What if you're changing email because you no longer have access to your old one?

What legitimate scenario would manifest that situation?

That is a by far and away a tiny, minuscule, edge case

You should make sure to chargeback your credit card in that case.

Well, a paying (until you meet someone) customer

In real life. The founders already proved that doesn’t happen on the internet.

Weird, I write in Go, and based on the number of posts about Rust, i'd assumed that it was gaining traction

It is.

If it's really made out of stainless, with those angles wouldn't it fail on pedestrian collision tests?

Ha! I help out the NHS and they're amazed that we are able to autopopulate forms using ActiveDirectory. They're used to paper...

I write primarily in Go, I have to admit that I can't stand the name of it. When doing a search I constantly have to write "go golang" in my searches to get relevant results. It's too generically named, like naming something "The"

Let's make a new language called Lang. We can also call it langlang. I'm sure there's nothing using that name~

One of my favorite bands from the 80s was named "The The".

I'd be interested in your take on this as someone slightly older than the cliched tech employee.

To be honest, i'm never usually that impressed with people that are in their mid-20s and working as developers. They can typically produce good output, but in my experience they are unable to state 'why' something works well. They're following best practices laid down by people in their 40s/50s years ago. I think they have the energy to not give up and trawl the forums till they get the answer, not necessarily finding the answer by considering the principles underlying the task

Don't limit it to the younger developers: we're all doing that all the time! Always have all our lives. We learn a lot of things by imitating, then understanding, then building on that. I mean, I learned English from my mother at a very young age (who was following the best practices of the 1950s) without understanding any of the underlying principles. :)

Likewise, some of the "kids these days" (literally what I call the rest of my much younger development team, and they're just as capable about poking me about my age :)) may be doing that in tech in their early-ish careers. I think it'd be underestimating younger devs to apply that too broadly, because I've seen too many little gems of genius from younger devs.

The way I see my role leading a younger team is to help the folks somewhat younger than me learn from some of the lessons I have learned: to spot code that is going to be a nightmare in the long run, to maybe gain my weird knack of being able to tell people what their bug is without even seeing the code. But they also have a valuable role in teaching me to be less conservative (disposition, not politics) when I should not be, or coming up with brilliant solutions that I was blind to.

If I had a point, it's that there's room in the world for all of us, and that both the old motherfuckers and the Kids These Days have a lot to bring to the table to build up each other. I hope this was useful in some way. :)

This is a good point, one of the reasons to use it is for reminders "Hey Google, remind me to visit x at place y"

I find it difficult to read articles like this, the content itself is very interesting to me, but it's wrapped in creative writing bullshit like this:

"I’d step off the bus, route through the CL3 barista in my clanking heels, clutch the hot compostable coffee cup to warm both my hands while I walked to my desk, voicing the american greeting of ’heyhowreyouimgood’ to anyone caught in the path of my morning march."

Some people enjoy reading non-fiction full of facts, some people enjoy reading fiction with non-plot-based-fluff. If you don't like the piece, move on to something else. Doesn't really add to the discussion of the story to make a writing style comment.

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