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This time it’s "learning from poor people, they are so humble and live a simple life without useless luxury." It is very ridiculous indeed.

For seniors it’s not that easy. The best interview process I had to do was in a restaurant where the recruiter and I were both ranting about how shitty C++ was.

I got hired on the spot because the conversation we had proved that I was not bullshitting anyone.

It may be more difficult for a junior, but that’s not the topic of the post.

Yes, one of the questions I ask is "what do you hate most about X?". However, in this case the person lacks "basic skills".

Entrapment is sociopathic.

Most companies in France have a trial period of 3 or 4 months which can be doubled to "make sure that everything is right." Which means that companies have to 6 or 8 months to fire new guys.

I guess it’s the same amount of time in other countries.

> addressing the elephant in the room that they're not at the level we assumed

Your blaming the wrong guy. The elephant in the room is that your interview process massively fucked up, and you failed to understand the most basic question of this process: junior or senior.

Funny that you mention orange cars because they were everywhere in France in the 80s. Resale value must be an important reason.

I live in a rather hot place where most cars are white, once again because everyone gets a white car because of the sun.

Here in the UK, if it isn't white or silver, it'll be metallic orange or metallic chartreuse, and they're ugly AF

We have the same law in France. They even tried to tax refurbished phones and computers (which were already taxed) but someone told them to fuck off on that kind of item.

Never heard of that theory either. Enjoy the movie, it’s a good one.

I can only agree to this. 500 times faster and still slower than Windows 3.1 for almost the same set of features.

It does exist in the medical world with laws and regulations. For example you can follow the standard IEC 81001-5-1 to tell you what to do. It’s not perfect but it’s a good start and people generally agree that it’s good to implement.

My own solution would be to stop the proliferation of web sites as a disservice, and focus again on keeping private data private, i.e. on the client’s computer. If you don’t have it, you can’t leak it.

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