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It is not. You would fire the person in the trial period or after a year.

What is expensive in most European jurisdiction to fire a permanent contract after the initial trial period/first year contract without wrongdoing. But that is typically after a year or more.

The reason here is that they are trying to be a employer which focus on personell development. Which is contradictive to capitalism and obviously they have not figured out yet, how to deal with situations like this.

> which is contradictive to capitalism

Capitalism doesnt have any 1 original author like Karl Marx, not everything can be made to fit in “capitalism” and villified.

The latest devices you’re writing code and comments on here with are devices powered by latest silicon fabrication tech made by teams of engineers on whose careers, companies greatly invested long term to get to this.

There are tons of capitalistic employers there who invest in their employees careers retain them and take their help to grow the company, even give them esops and stock options.

High skilled labour isnt a cogwheel readily available on the market churning out of colleges, they are trained, retained and further developed throughout their careers to bring value to business and build new products.

Capitalism isnt this great evil thing that wants to suck you dry and destroy you. It has perfectly healthy versions that give people a chance at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Entrapment is sociopathic.

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