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Environment variables with fallback to a default value.

They're a super cheap way of

1. allowing feature flags

2. injecting credentials in a way the user thinks about exactly once

3. moving workstation-specific details out of your code repository

They're implemented into the core of most every language in existence (especially shell scripts) and you're probably already using them without knowing. They're (get this) _variables_ for tuning to your _environment_.

Sounds like I'm being sarcastic here (eh, maybe a bit) but it never really hit me until I really dug into the concept.

Having done the Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, etc. thing a few times before, it doesn't really work for me. I'm not a creative person when it comes to color theory, fluidity of design, what's considered "trendy", or whatever. I just want my crappy-looking open source project to look nicer, my blog post to not be straight-up text or unrelated unsplash photos, or my homepage to have purely Font Awesome icons.

I'm willing to throw a few bucks at that. For clip art (SVG) in a blog post, I'll throw $10-$15 at that. Per post. But the art needs to speak to me or otherwise just "click" with my yet-to-be-defined vision for the content. I don't know what will click until I see it. I also don't want to waste either party's time with my hemming and hawing, trying to put a feeling into words so I can describe to the designer... how I think they should do their job. I'm not the expert. I just fail at communicating. It's much easier on everyone if I see it already done or otherwise 95% of the way there.

Sites like these help me a lot more with finding things that just "click." At least a lot more than the alternatives of finding someone on Upwork, et al.

Yes, but it's also ridiculous to have the Switch spam IPs in the space like that. Boo on both of them.

Broadcast for service discovery is totally fine.

Looks like it's the HN hug of death for this one: https://web.archive.org/web/20191010183502/https://tyler.io/...

sigh I switched back to WordPress literally five days ago and haven't yet gotten around to installing a caching plugin. My bad. I've turned Cloudflare caching on in the meantime.

Mind sharing what thing you are fleeing _to_ Wordpress from and why? Genuinely curious.

Been running WP for god knows how long for my personal site, while my company website is built with Jekyll.

In June I migrated to Ghost simply to try it and learn more about Node. It was _fine_, but never really fit my mental model of how a blog should operate or a web app should be structured. For better or worse, I'm an ex-Yahoo and a PHP guy through and through.

100% my favorite function of KeePassXC right there. It's unfortunately not very well highlighted in their docs even though it's the killer feature which keeps me with KeePass databases.

I'm also curious about the same thing. Ever since I started using KeePassXC's autotype feature, I haven't been able to go to any other password manager. Even with the degraded mobile options and having to build my own syncing with things like rclone.

Does Bitwarden have that autotype option? If not, I'm wondering how difficult it would be to build it myself, if only for the desktop clients.

I work on OSX and Ubuntu (different workstations, same setup scripts) and python setup has been frustrating for me. If brew updates the version of python, suddenly all of my virtualenvs seem to break.

What I've settled on is to use a python version manager (pyenv is the least intrusive balanced with most usable) and using direnv to create project-specific python environments. Adding `use python 3.7.3` to an `.envrc` in a directory will make it so cd-ing into it will create a virtualenv if it doesn't yet exist and use the pyenv-installed python at 3.7.3.

Looks like a potential opportunity to use something like node-unfluff [0] to scrape page content. Pull request anyone?

[0]: https://github.com/ageitgey/node-unfluff

As an avid vim user who has tried Evil mode, emacs, and even spacemacs, I fully agree with all of the reasons you listed. To add to it:

- *-mode (specific syntax highlighting, commands, etc. based on project or task)

- edit/save remote files via built-in TRAMP [0]

- built-in plugin manager (interactive, or via emacs init config)

- MELPA [1]

- Non-blocking (e.g., run tests in one buffer while editing source in another)

- client-server approach (neovim adopted this, but emacs has had far more time to work out the kinks)

The main reasons I stay with vim are:

- already committed to vi-like muscle memory (and evil-mode, while admirable, doesn't cut it)

- no translation of VimL configs and plugins to Emacs Lisp

- many plugins for languages, frameworks, etc. which I use daily are severely out of date in emacs (and I'm too lazy to maintain them myself)

[0]: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79100/how-to-open-a-remote-fi...

[1]: http://melpa.org/

I prefer the Emacs environment: I love TRAMP, org-mode, and the simplicity of getting a fully-featured IDE just by adding a list to my spacemacs configuration.

Do you use neovim?

It seems vim-notes is much more developed for taking general, self-encompassing notes, similar in style to Evernote. I don't see a way to inter-link the notes like vim's help, but it does have far more rich and powerful note-taking features.

I'd still use vim-wiki because it's intended to be a lightweight knowledge database similar to a mind-map, but more robust. It allows for quick, easy organization of ideas whereas vim-notes appears to be more for a formal writing process.

vim-notes does have inter-linking, so I guess this project is pretty similar.

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