That discussion and similar discussions that seems to come up regularly was probably the reason they don't want HN traffic, and it's unfortunate the the moderators here haven't worked harder to shut that stuff down. The gender of their developers just isn't relevant to the quality of their work.
That's really surprising. I've been on HN a while now and I've never noticed that type of comment. The reason I'm on HN at all is that it reminds me of the "old internet" where people posted links and discussed stuff. You're always gonna get someone saying stuff you don't like, but banning all of HN considering how decent the 99.9% is.. is odd. It's not 4chan.
Well, you just didn't look hard enough, this is from literally the last thread about Asahi before this one. Pretty much every single post about Asahi Linux on HN has transphobic comments.
That's from a newly made account (green name), and it's flagged so it's not visible to most users (including me). There's no forum in the world with open sign ups that can prevent a few assholes from joining.
Can you find me a single HN comment on this topic that states (or even implies) that the gender of a developer is relevant to the quality of their work?
Because I haven't seen anything like that, so you seem to be attacking a strawthem.
Yes, he's continuing to work on the long tail of drivers needed for Linux on Apple silicon. Looks like lately he's working on speakersafetyd, a daemon that will monitor audio levels and keep the builtin speakers from being damaged:
How is anyone supposed to know this etiquette rule that you claim? As far as I know people are free to link to whatever they like subject to the laws of relevant jurisdictions.
For my part I would say that you shouldn't police other people and tell them what to do in public, or if you do it, soften it sightly.
You're not supposed to know it, unless someone tells you - that's what I'm doing.
I completely agree that "don't link to my site" is a ridiculous request - I'm not saying that I approve of it. But it's what they want - and the Asahi project has numerous problems with it anyway, so avoiding drawing attention from HN has some benefits to everyone.
My apologies if it sounded like I was policing - that was not my intent.
Read for context:
Creator of Asahi Linux didn’t like the way some HN commenters talked about the project and/or some livestreams in that and other threads, and started trying to block incoming links with a HN referer.
Personally I've been using Video Speed Controller, which seems more popular. One of the things that revolutionizes your viewing experience - learn the default keybindings (s -slower, d - faster, g - toggle fast (1.8x speed)) and never be bored again.
Always nice to know of other options. (The keyboard shortcuts for the extension I linked are + and -, with * being reset to default speed.)
Does the extension you linked do pitch correction as well? I wish I could find one that does for Firefox, too, if you happen to know of one. The only playback speed control extension I've found for FF doesn't.
Try setting the property manually using the JavaScript console and see if you get pitch correction. If not, maybe make sure you're on the latest version of Firefox?
Does anyone have any relevant research on whether this might be true or not?
I have this vague notion in my head that you need to gather enough clues through the socialization and then focus relentlessly to produce something of value and was wondering whether I might get more insight and information regarding this hypothesis.
"I have this vague notion in my head that you need to gather enough clues through the socialisation and then focus relentlessly to produce something of value"
One example, Darwin. The time delay publishing "On the Origin Of The Species", 20 years was broken by a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace who came to similar conclusions. This spurred Darwin to publish his findings. [0]