I'd imagine it's more common that a frontend dev moves to backend dev role.
From my experience a fullstack dev can be a lot more productive than two separate devs when it comes to adhoc work like bugfixes and adding small features.
Also they tend to have very good API design skills, since they understand both sides intimately.
Of course it will cost you in terms of loss of demand. But there’s no guarantee that your factories will be able to reduce prices though.
Everyone is worried about it. The global supply chain is a well oiled machine after the last 40 years. Problem is, Trump’s enablers and the media are too scared of retribution to tell people just how bad this will be.
It’s a solution looking for a problem.
You should have seen my frustration during Trump I explaining to my die hard Trumper why he kept getting customs bills from DHL, FedEx and UPS for his equipment and supply orders. I was literally exacerbated trying to tell him he was paying the tariffs that Trump enacted. It’s like he was incapable of understanding plain English because it conflicted with his Fox induced worldview.
I might be mistaken but I believe the final day has only one puzzle, but the 50th star (a.k.a., the second star of December 25th) is given for having solved everything else. I don't think any puzzles are "locked".
That might be true, I've only completed it once a few years ago. But if you don't want to the more complicated parts, then you want to skip the last one for sure.
Very interesting, but unfortunate there is no example program. I guess that is left as exercise for reader, but it's a bit daunting for a non systems programmer.
If you can't enumerate risks with the work you're about to do either you don't have any, or you haven't thought enough about it and you're yolo'ing.
If you have a list of risks and you don't know how to mitigate them, you're just yolo'ing.
"We don't have time to plan" is the biggest source of nonsense in this industry. The process I just described takes about 15 minutes to go through for a month's worth of work. Nobody is so busy they can't spare 15 minutes to think about things that might cause major problems that soak up far, far, far more time.
I wonder which option OP is implying is an issue. Either functionality is perfectly valid software engineering.
I for one prefer to keep asserts in production code to fail fast. Depending on the language and domain of the program you may or may not catch them with logging to keep the program running.
Using assertions to validate malicious input is not a valid software engineering choice, unless one can guarantee that the assertions will always be active in the production code.
Matt even dunked on DHH that only 8% left automattic, while 30% left badecamp back when they banned politics. Nevermind the fact that DHHs offer was without a timelimit, allowing people to figure out their options. Also the job markets couldn't be more different.
However, I do think a fair amount of automattic employees do not want to leave since their benefits seem actually really nice. Not many companies provide constant pay regardless of your cost of living, so I commend them for that. It could be impossible to find an equivalent job for non US employees, so 6 months pay for leaving in this market is hardly worth it, unless like you said you had plans to do it anyway.
From my experience a fullstack dev can be a lot more productive than two separate devs when it comes to adhoc work like bugfixes and adding small features.
Also they tend to have very good API design skills, since they understand both sides intimately.