1. | | Launch HN: InsideSherpa (YC W19) – online courses to train then hire students |
100 points by pasharayan on Nov 20, 2019 | past | 45 comments
2. | | Google Chrome experiment crashes browser tabs, impacts companies worldwide (zdnet.com) |
155 points by pasharayan on Nov 15, 2019 | past | 105 comments
3. | | A Day in the Life of a YC company Intern (During YC) (youtube.com) |
4 points by pasharayan on March 16, 2019 | past
4. | | Ask HN: Examples of GDPR compliant websites? |
8 points by pasharayan on May 15, 2018 | past | 3 comments
5. | | Cancer scientist discovers widespread research fraud (smh.com.au) |
2 points by pasharayan on Jan 25, 2017 | past
6. | | A team from UNSW has built a quantum logic gate in silicon for the first time (unsw.edu.au) |
2 points by pasharayan on Oct 5, 2015 | past
7. | | What is analytical problem solving (firmsconsulting.com) |
2 points by pasharayan on June 14, 2015 | past
8. | | Learn to rebuild core web infrastructure - reading list (uplearnme.com) |
2 points by pasharayan on June 14, 2015 | past