After reading this awesome article I decided to write my own version of exactly what I saw in his pictures:
timing_array =
for q in 0..6
max_n = 10**q
prime_array =
for z in 0..max_n
prime_array[z] = 0
for i in 2..max_n
a = max_n / i
for j in 1..a
prime_array[j*i] += 1 unless j*i > max_n
puts "prime numbers to #{max_n}"
prime_array.each_with_index {|num,v| puts "#{v}" unless num > 1}
timing_array[max_n] =
I had a kind of program which would find primes higher than the Sieve of Eratosthenes (typically this only goes up to 4 billion because of 1 bit per integer), called a 'Leapfrog' sieve, but someone said it wasn't very interesting, and I can't tell if it's been done before.
timing_array =
for q in 0..6
endputs "and the resultz"
puts timing_array
1000000 Sun Dec 13 20:33:05 -0500 2009
100000 Sun Dec 13 20:32:34 -0500 2009
10000 Sun Dec 13 20:32:31 -0500 2009
1000 Sun Dec 13 20:32:31 -0500 2009
100 Sun Dec 13 20:32:31 -0500 2009