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Ask HN: Anyone is using a comment system?
9 points by yannis on Dec 11, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I am looking for better management of comments on a current project and I am thinking of integrating either http:js-kit.com/ or http://disqus.com/ and I am wondering if anyone has any feedback.

If you're worried about disqus going away, then export your comments periodically so you have a backup of them somewhere.

I custom coded. When I built my latest project I always intended to have comments (but they are not a key feature) and for the most part assumed I would drop disqus in.

Ultimately I couldnt figure out a nice way to integrate disqus tightly into the site - so the custom code added more value. It took about 100 lines. :)



Yes, is not so hard to add a few extra lines of code and a couple of fields in the DB, but I think going with an outside comment system makes integration with twitter etc. so much easier and less maintenance in the future.

Thanks for the links, I see you using Kohana, I am still with CodeIgniter on this one - too much down the road to change :)

Disqus seems to be pretty much becoming the accepted comments system.

It works well, there's a ton of options to allow users to sign in (Twitter, Facebook, OpenID, Yahoo and others, and I recommend it.

Thanks, that's actually what attracted me with a few lines of a script I can have Twitter, Facebook, OpenID and Yahoo!

I use Disqus for everything. I can't say enough great things about them. Totally easy integration and all the sexy features that you'd want in a comment system.

The only thing I would be concerned with is how they plan on making money in the future. Would suck to pick them and have them go out of business.

Thanks it seems like the consensus to go with Disqus. I wouldn't worry too much about them monetizing the concept at this stage. At worse I will have to just add some more code onto the application!

Just thought I'd add +1 for Intense Debate. We've used it on our site's blog for a little over a year and we're quite satisfied.

I'm using Disqus and it's working out well.

+1 Disqus

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