you know how it is, you start coding, with a photoshop template up, then by mistake you hit alt tab and go to another site, and you are so busy that you don't notice that you started copying another design.
Did you really make a mistake? This is really not that big of a deal. The graphics are original, the CSS is original, the copy... it's not even in the same industry. Yeah the general feel is similar but who cares.
Most of us will jack a copy of Hannah Montana's latest album without a second thought then get our panties in a wad when someone vaguely emulates a design.
While we're on that subject though, thanks for Liquid and ActiveMerchant. You guys have no idea how awesome you are. (Okay maybe you do) - another fellow rails dev.
check out the original: and theirs: .
All other pages are similar in the same way.
Flattering for sure but come on.