You know I always say, the biggest feature missing from Google Docs is synchronized brain-to-brain editing of files. Give me that and I'll be satisfied for a few months Internet.
Basically: yes. The effect would be the same if the subjects had to work together for reward by moving 3 objects into te same position (similar exepriments have been conducted). However the fact this is using some kind of indirect mind control, channelled together by software, of imaginary targets does give this an extra interesting dimension over 'just teamwork' I'd say. The amount of math/algorytms/control software and harware needed to get to this should not be underestimated as well. And it is again a step in the brain-machine interfacing world. Which, like a lot of other tech, might be used for good and bad in the future.
hmm, seems a little trivial to me. Are they actually doing direct neural network to neural network communication? If this simple cooperation can be considered a network of brains so can a troop of monkeys, through communication via physical motion and cries. For that matter so can human society through the various transmission mechanisms we employ. For this to interesting to me it needs a novel and higher bandwidth communication channel. Directly wiring brains together would do it.