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Choosing a Linux Tracer (brendangregg.com)
87 points by ajdecon on July 8, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

That's a pretty great overview. I've learned SystemTap myself because that's what's easy to get going in my environment. I was very surprised once I "got" it. It can do pretty much anything you'd ever need. I haven't needed to look at anything else yet, although I've been meaning to play with the LTTNG tools, as I like the idea of setting up the experiment just once, recording everything, then investigating afterwards. This [1] is a good walkthrough of that workflow.

[1] http://lttng.org/blog/2015/02/04/web-request-latency-root-ca...

Can't stop reading this as Linux Tux Racer.

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