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Ebay hoped to acquire Craigslist (ft.com)
21 points by UsNThem on Dec 8, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I'm glad they didn't. Despite CL's shortcomings, it's hard to see eBay making them better in any way.

It's absolutely crazy to me that eBay was able to acquire 28% of Craigslist for $32 million. What a steal. The unnamed CL executive who sold his shares must be kicking himself now!

Seems like a pretty reasonable target. You’re in the online auction business, so why not shift to just being an online market?

Behind a paywall.

Possible to read it by going through Google News ( http://news.google.com/news/search?aq=f&pz=1&cf=all&... ) and clicking the Financial Times link.

thanks cdr ! U need to sigup to read the article.

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