A lot of people said this was because Pao is a woman and reddit is sexist. But then explain this reaction to Victoria.
Here's a thought: the reddit community despises Pao because Pao is in no way part of the community. She's a bizdev-turned-investor corporate suit who seemingly came out of nowhere to now run the site.
She's posted very few times since becoming interim CEO. In fact, only 56 posts.
* 3 short messages when her interim-CEO position was announced.
* 9 when she posted the new privacy policy.
* 8 for Nepal earthquake relief.
* 9 posts for the reddit 10-year anniversary. This, to me, is lame. This is a classic senior executive move where they hide in their office all year round and no one has a clue what the fuck they do, if anything, but they emerge just during the victory celebrations.
Since becoming interim CEO, she has an average ONE post every five days. One posted message -- not even one submission every five days, which would be meatier. By contrast, Jack Dorsey has an average 5 tweets a day since twitter started. Is there any doubt Dorsey uses his own product? Well, we can see that Ellen does not use the product that she is running (unless she has some anonymous accounts). She made a gaffe recently where she posted a message publicly to a user that was meant to be private -- fair or not, that solidified the narrative that she is not a Reddit user.
I have no inside information on Reddit management, but as an outsider who's watched reddit grow over the years, I get the impression the core problem with Reddit right now is not Ellen Pao per se. Ellen Pao was brought in as a person to run Reddit as a business and make money and that's exactly what I presume she is trying to do, the issue here is the vision of the company as a whole, the people (investors, shareholders?) who thought Ellen Pao was a necessary and good candidate to be the CEO.
Investors, shareholders, founders, etc seem to have a very clear vision of turning Reddit into a money making machine, but no matter how you slice it this is not going to work out well with their community in the long run. It doesn't matter if Ellen Pao or Mark Cuban is the CEO as long their vision stays that way.
Not that there is anything wrong with a business wanting to make money, but in my humble opinion, Reddit is a particularly bad candidate for that and would be much better off adopting a non-profit model ala Wikipedia.
It might be useful to distinguish between the vision, the plan to implement that vision, and the execution of that plan.
I think what you're saying is that you cannot conceive of a plan that will successfully implement the vision to make money.
I'd add that execution seems to be sorely lacking, whatever the vision or plan, assuming a real plan even exists (which I suppose it part of execution as well, "have a plan").
A lot of people said this was because Pao is a woman and reddit is sexist. But then explain this reaction to Victoria.
Here's a thought: the reddit community despises Pao because Pao is in no way part of the community. She's a bizdev-turned-investor corporate suit who seemingly came out of nowhere to now run the site.
She's posted very few times since becoming interim CEO. In fact, only 56 posts.
* 3 short messages when her interim-CEO position was announced.
* 9 when she posted the new privacy policy.
* 8 for Nepal earthquake relief.
* 9 posts for the reddit 10-year anniversary. This, to me, is lame. This is a classic senior executive move where they hide in their office all year round and no one has a clue what the fuck they do, if anything, but they emerge just during the victory celebrations.
Since becoming interim CEO, she has an average ONE post every five days. One posted message -- not even one submission every five days, which would be meatier. By contrast, Jack Dorsey has an average 5 tweets a day since twitter started. Is there any doubt Dorsey uses his own product? Well, we can see that Ellen does not use the product that she is running (unless she has some anonymous accounts). She made a gaffe recently where she posted a message publicly to a user that was meant to be private -- fair or not, that solidified the narrative that she is not a Reddit user.