Completely agree. I never truly understood discrete math until I had to teach it. I didn't understand sales until I ran a vendor booth for my wife's sci-fi novel. I didn't understand ballistics until I built model rockets and potato cannons from scratch. I didn't understand cooking until my coworkers at Waffle House marooned me at the grill during a Sunday morning rush. I didn't understand linear algebra until I had to write a software rasterizer and a best-fit modeling function. I didn't understand money management until I was poor. I didn't understand relational algebra and database systems until I wrote an ORM. I didn't understand digital electronics until I had to build a kiosk system from scratch (for a client!). I didn't understand analog electronics until I had to build a music synthesizer. I didn't (really) understand AC until I had to rewire my house!
Maybe some people can read a book and just know how to do things based on that. I used to be very caught up into thinking I needed a book to learn things. But that's not really me. I have to do. Most books aren't written in that regard. The authors want to pontificate on minutia. Now, I know I just need to jump in the deep end of making something and--somehow, be it through Wikipedia or Wolfram Alpha or StackOverflow or MSDN or MDN or what have you--I will learn what I need to get it done. Give me a cheat-sheet, some pliers, and a bail of wire any day. Until then, it's all just noise.
I think it ties in naturally to the Lean Startup ideology, i.e. the whole "release early, release often" thing. Using the example of chess, if you're just reading books on chess and are not playing games, then you're no better off than a startup who is working out of someone's basement, no marketing plan, no market feedback, just coding away based on some blue-sky ideology. "Release early, release often" isn't so much about success as it is about getting out of the basement, seeing the flow of things, and opening your eyes to reality.
Maybe some people can read a book and just know how to do things based on that. I used to be very caught up into thinking I needed a book to learn things. But that's not really me. I have to do. Most books aren't written in that regard. The authors want to pontificate on minutia. Now, I know I just need to jump in the deep end of making something and--somehow, be it through Wikipedia or Wolfram Alpha or StackOverflow or MSDN or MDN or what have you--I will learn what I need to get it done. Give me a cheat-sheet, some pliers, and a bail of wire any day. Until then, it's all just noise.
I think it ties in naturally to the Lean Startup ideology, i.e. the whole "release early, release often" thing. Using the example of chess, if you're just reading books on chess and are not playing games, then you're no better off than a startup who is working out of someone's basement, no marketing plan, no market feedback, just coding away based on some blue-sky ideology. "Release early, release often" isn't so much about success as it is about getting out of the basement, seeing the flow of things, and opening your eyes to reality.