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I'm with you. I really really wanted to read (for example) "An observationally based energy balance for the Earth since 1950". However, all of the references to it that I can find are stuck behind paywalls, despite the paper having been authored primarily by NOAA scientists.

I fully support spending tax dollars on scientific research. That said, I think that the results of this particular bit of research have already been paid for.

I'm considering paying the nine bucks and putting it up for download. Any takers?

I'd download it. I think the idea of a "napster of academic research" is a great idea, fwiw :)

An academic friend of mine pitched that to me as a product idea (for me to develop; not him), but I chickened out thinking of the legal issues.

Also: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/02/25/mendeley-snags-2-millio...

I downloaded it for you. Give me an email address to send it to you.

Email is now in my profile. Thanks!

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